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DCS: UH-1H Worlds Apart Stormfront Campaign

STORMFRONT is a story-driven campaign that follows the story of SPRING 2025. As in the first part of the WORLDS APART series, you find yourself in the role of a German Bell UH-1 helicopter pilot serving in the squadron "WOLF PACK," a German Army unit (Heeres Flieger).

Toward the middle of the year, the security situation in the world continued to deteriorate. The three superpowers continue to negotiate with each other but remain on an aggressive course.
Although you and your colleagues achieved great success at the beginning of the year, and the situation has calmed down, especially in the south of Georgia around Batumi, the overall condition remains tense.

The overall situation remains very complex and complicated. The rebels within the Georgian army, who are fighting the moderate central government and seeking a violent reunification with the former Georgian regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, are weakened but not defeated.


You and your crew have returned to Batumi after your experiences in the spring.

The situation is calm, and patrol flights are the central part of your program.
Surveillance and presence.

Your task is to support Georgian and German ground forces in securing the Batumi region before being deployed to Kutaisi in the north. Within your unit, callsign "WOLF PACK," you have the supporting part. You fly lightly armed patrols and transport troops and material. Until further notice, your squadron will remain stationed in the Batumi region and the local airfield.

发行: 2024-07-11

DCS: AH-64D The Four Horsemen Campaign

In 2014, the militant group Islamic State made vast territorial gains in Iraq and Syria following several offensives. It is claimed its territory was captured by a caliphate, within which it enforced a strict interpretation of Sharia. The group, which was designated a terrorist organisation by the United Nations, received universal condemnation for its human rights abuses and crimes against humanity. The Iraqi government formally requested of the United States and wider international community, they begin airstrikes against ISIL in support of their fight on the ground. During the 2014 NATO summit in Wales, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry pressed Ministers of Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Turkey, and the United Kingdom to support a coalition to combat ISIL militarily and financially. The United States launched the Combined Joint Task Force - Operation Inherent Resolve (CJTF-OIR) on 17 October with the stated aim of degrading and destroying ISIL.

664 Army Air Corps (AAC) Sqn have been deployed in support of Operation Shader, under the Coalition banner of Operation Inherent Resolve, fighting ISIL in Syria.

The Four Horsemen Campaign follows the adventures of UGLY Flight and their exploits as part of 664Sqn AAC on Operation SHADER. Capt Whitt and WO Leghorn crew UGLY 5-1, braving the harsh Syrian heat and landscape.

发行: 2024-07-11

DCS: F-16C The Gamblers Campaign

The Gamblers campaign was jointly developed by Baltic Dragon and John 'Rain' Waters, a former Viper Demo Team pilot, member of the 77th Fighter Squadron and host of the Afterburn Podcast.

Throughout the 13 missions of the campaign, the player will have an opportunity to relive some of the sorties that Rain and his squadron mates flew during their deployment to Syria as part of Operation Inherent Resolve. Furthermore, the campaign recreates the most iconic moments of the allied involvement within the theater, including the Battle of Raqqa in 2017, the US TLAM strike against the Shayrat Airbase in retaliation for the regime's chemical attack on Aleppo and the standoff between US forces and the notorious Russian Wagner group, which is now known as the "Battle of Khasham".

This campaign also introduces a new, more immersive way for the player to interact with the environment using their HOTAS, this practically completely eliminates the use of space bar or F-10 menu.

The campaign also includes features that account for the player's performance and possible errors. This means that his wingmen or other assets in the mission can take over tasks the player is struggling with, which can lead to multiple ways in which each mission can progress.

发行: 2024-07-11

DCS: F/A-18C Operation Mountain Breeze Campaign

In the fall of 2015, the battles of the Syrian Civil War between the rebels and the Syrian government forces continue intensely. The involvement of several foreign powers, ISIS, and Hezbollah in the conflicts further escalates tensions. The tension among major superpowers is also on the rise. However, civilians suffer the most. Millions have been forced to leave their destroyed homes. Civilian targets are constantly under bombardment. The USS Theodore Roosevelt, with its Strike Group, is on its way to the region with the aim of establishing a no-fly zone over the western parts of Syria to prevent attacks on civilians.

In this immersive story-driven campaign, you get to show your skills as a Hornet pilot in diverse missions. Dogfights, close air support, SEAD, and strike missions will put your skills to the test. This is your first cruise, and the Skipper has high expectations for you. Hopefully, you can meet them.

发行: 2024-06-05

DCS: F/A-18C Operation Green Line Campaign

This campaign is based on fictitious events and follows on from "Ford" and "Matrix's" exploits in the Straits of Hormuz on board the USS Abraham Lincoln in the "Rise of the Persian Lion II" Campaign. Although operations commence in Cyprus, much to "Fords" surprise, events will soon reach out to Turkey, Syria, Israel, and Jordan, testing both your flying accuracy and strike capabilities in the F/A-18C Hornet.

Even though the story line continues from the last campaign, "Operation Green Line" can be fully enjoyed as a standalone.

The campaign ethos, as before, is not necessarily to capture full reality but create an imaginative, immersive, and engaging set of missions linked together with a developing narrative.

发行: 2024-05-21

DCS: Mi-24P Outpost Campaign


首部以Mi-24 为重点,引导参与者作为红方阵营的一部分,经历2012年至2018年间叙利亚从恐怖势力手中解放出来的关键事件。体验由15个任务组成的精心制作的体验,每个任务都是根据真实事件精心设计的。

加入MI-24前哨战役,您将探索叙利亚地图上的著名地标,包括贝鲁特、大马士革、阿勒颇和巴尔米拉。 让自己沉浸在这些标志性地点发生的真实历史事件中。前往赫梅米姆、马尔吉鲁海尔、阿布杜胡尔、梅泽、科威特和蒂亚斯等重要空军基地。

您可以积极参与关键战役,包括阿勒颇战役、历史性的大马士革战役和关键的巴尔米拉战役。Stone Sky对细节的关注和一丝不苟的开发态度将超越您的期望。

发行: 2024-04-10

DCS: P-51D Debden Eagles Campaign

Some of the first American airmen to join the air war over Europe were the volunteers of the RAF’s Eagle Squadrons. In 1942 they were transferred to the Mighty Eighth Air Force under the 4th Fighter Group, based in Debden, Essex. The 4th was the first fighter group to penetrate German airspace, the first to escort bombers over Berlin, and led the first shuttle mission from England to Russia. Under the indomitable leadership of Colonel Don Blakeslee, they became the highest scoring unit of the USAAF, destroying 1,016 enemy aircraft in the air and on the ground.

In this campaign you will join the 4th Fighter Group during the first week following the D-day landings, and relive every mission they flew exactly the way they happened 80 years ago. These were meticulously recreated based on original documents and personal accounts with a keen focus on the finest details, allowing you to firsthand experience what it was truly like to take part in ‘The Mighty Endeavor’, one of the greatest military operations in history.

发行: 2023-12-19

DCS: MAD Black Shark Campaign

The principle of deterrence was founded on the notion that a nuclear attack by one superpower would be met with an overwhelming nuclear retaliation such that both the attacker and the defender would be annihilated.

This would create such losses in both population and industrial capacity that society would cease to exist. You will take part in a series of interesting campaigns; MAD - Mutual Assured Destruction.

On the eve of World War III, Naval Aviation Pilot Captain Korneev arrives in the Persian Gulf as part of the Military Group of Peacekeepers to protect the interests of a friendly country. The suppression of the civil war and the settlement of the operational situation in the Strait of Hormuz leads to an escalation. The blue coalition initiates the beginning of the operation - Preemptive Blow. Active fighting on both sides is further feeding conflict in the Middle East.

发行: 2023-10-19

DCS: F-16C First in Weasels Over Syria Campaign

Strap on the mighty F-16C Viper and enter the world of the Wild Weasels! First In - Weasels Over Syria will immerse you in this legendary mission as you fly head on into the enemies air defenses.

Set during the events of Operation Cerberus North, FIWOS will place you in the cockpit of Captain Dan ‘Forrest’ Wilson, a Wild Weasel pilot with the 79th Fighter Squadron. During this incredibly detailed, exciting and immersive campaign you will engage in a wide range of Weasel missions as the Joint Syrian Task Force fights for dominance over the highly contested Syrian skies. YGBSM!

发行: 2023-10-19

战役 Mi-24P: 边境 - 前传

2015年夏天,俄罗斯空天军在打击阿拉伯叙利亚共和国(叙)境内恐怖组织的斗争中取得了重大成果。我们隐藏在恐怖分子队伍中的消息来源称,正在准备一系列俄罗斯联邦北高加索各共和国的恐怖袭击,目的是通过讹诈减少俄罗斯联邦在叙利亚的军事活动。据消息称,小股破坏分队计划从格鲁吉亚境内通过未获承认的南奥塞梯共和国渗透到俄罗斯联邦境内。南奥塞梯当局与其俄罗斯同事一道采取了若干措施,以加强对共和国边界的 控制。部署了更多的边境哨所,并在最脆弱的地方加强了巡逻队。在毗邻格鲁吉亚边境的主要道路上设置了路障。

考虑到山区林区和某些地区地形复杂,俄方向南奥塞梯边防局移交了两架Mi-24P直升机,用于空中巡逻和快速应对突发事件。在最短的时间内建立了部署和维护直升机的基础设施。两个直升机停机坪配备了必要的设备和专家。Otkrytka FARP位于共和国东北部,Podkova FARP位于西南方向。


发行: 2023-08-16