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The Prayers Become Power



This is my picture of Rydi's Calendar of her wondertastic character Aki. This is the Second Aki Fanart I make:giggle:And I enjoyed it so much! She is so gorgeous.:love:

I worked on this pic 3 days straight@__@ it was hard but fun!:la: I was supposed to have posted it earlier but only now `rydi1689 allowed us to:p thank you so much Rydi!:la:
I love you people. Happy 2011!:dalove:

:bulletred:Time: 25 hours.
:bulletgreen: Tools: HB, 2B, 0.05 Mitsubishi Pigment Ink, 0.8 Pentel white gel pen, Faber-Castell and Mitsubishi colorpencils, Copic markers, Faber-Castell watercolors, Gato Preto acrylics, Acrilex glitter.:heart:
:bulletblue: Pose reference: Sitting on Branch by *Deathrockstock:hug:
:bulletpurple: ILU RYDI!:tighthug: I am so glad you liked our lil gift;u;:heart:

Love you all!:blowkiss:
Image size
3504x2485px 5.5 MB
HP pstc4400
Date Taken
Jan 1, 2011, 5:35:36 PM
© 2011 - 2024 VelCake
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ClefairyKid's avatar
:star::star::star::star: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Impact

This is such a wonderful artwork, there's a lot going on and a lot of colours but it's been pulled off quite succesfully.

The composition is quite classical, one I've seen used many times in elegant artworks; with the main character sitting to one side and the flow of their hair leading the viewer's eye across the pages and weaving it into all the other elements of nature surrounding her.

I adore the details included here, such as the lovely little flowers wound around the wrists and the jewels up the arms, as well as the tiny fruits and blossoms being blown in the wind.

As for the drawing aspect, the lines are clean and precise, and I adore the shape and style of the hair, it's got the most wonderful depth and flow to it. The folds in the clothes bring out the movement of her and the rest of picture so well, and the plants around her just sway in time with everything else.

My suggestion for improvement may be to consider a way of actually incorporating more colour into this, but in a subtle way, such as maybe using a gel pen set or something to go over the pencil outlines, which could make the picture pop a little more. Having said this, I appreciate your individual style and it is very beautiful how it is <img src="…" width="15" height="15" alt=":aww:" title="Aww"/>