TimforShadeDigital on DeviantArt

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TimforShadeDigital's avatar

Find Beauty in the Heart of a Monstrous Soul


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The woman's eyes reflect compassion, seeing beyond the surface to the soul that yearns for connection. The monster, in turn, reciprocates with a touch that speaks of a longing for acceptance. In this poignant moment, societal judgments dissolve, and a bond forged in empathy bridges the gap between beauty and the grotesque.

Their embrace tells a story of acceptance, where the definition of beauty transcends conventional norms. It's a narrative of finding love and understanding in unexpected places, challenging preconceived notions, and discovering the profound beauty that resides within the depths of every being.
Image size
1920x1280px 952.35 KB
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SheevraSidhe0274's avatar

Friendships can develop between the most unlikeliest of pairings...