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Hikarian Magic

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The Hideaway Tavern - Entry 090
World Building
"Hikarian - Spirit Elf"
Part 4

The magic of a Spirit Elf, also known as Hikarian, is argued by many if it is the weakest between the five elven races of 
Natuitai. Others would say is has the greatest value among the other races. Their magic cannot physical harm anyone or produce things like casting fireballs or freezing people. Hikarian magic consist of Illusion, Alteration, Enchantment, Alchemy, Restoration and Conjuration. A Hikarian typically usually picks one or two skills to specialize in, though they have a general understanding of each skill. They use their magic to improve the lives of those they meet on their journey.

Alteration is used to manipulate the physical world to cast spells to aid in breathing underwater, produce light out of thin air, and see the past in objects they touch. Enchantment is a type of arcane magic. A Hikarian would used enchantment on such things like armor, or tools, but never on weapons. Enchantment is used on is potions, making them stronger. Alchemy is often used for potion making, but can also be used for other properties. Restoration is 
typically the Hikarian's primarily skill. Restoration is described by the people of Taliavilla as having control over life forces. It can be used to heal one's physical wounds or mental state. Though the latter is much harder to manipulate, as the receiver must want that kind of change. Another lesser known trait of restoration magic is that it wards off dark or negative spirits. Illusion magic is used to alter's the receiver's perception. Examples of this would include helping a person go from a mad panic to a calm and collected state, giving fearful men courage to stand up for their principles, and bending light around themselves or others to effectively make them appear invisible for a time. Finally the last magic skill is conjuration. Not many Spirit Elves choose to learn this skill because it dives into Phantom Elf magic. Instead they learn it so that they may defend against it. Conjuration is used to summon creatures from the spirital realm known as "Underlinde." It is forbidden for a Spirit Elf to use Conjuring spells to harm another living being.  

Want to know more? Go to Part 1:
Hikarian Race by TalonNokone 
Want to know more? Go to Part 2:
Hikarian Traditions by TalonNokone 
Want to know more? Go to Part 3:
Hikarian Oath by TalonNokone 

Notable Characters who are Hikarian:
Nomadic Spirit Elf by TalonNokone 

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© 2024 TalonNokone
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