Taichou-Henk on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/taichou-henk/art/Morphed-326339144Taichou-Henk

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so little story:
I had 2 laptops, one with a broken screen and one with a broken body!
As 0.5 + 0.5 = 1 , I tried putting the working screen in the working body, and it worked out PERFECTLY!, as if it was never broken!

So I am setting it up as a small file server plus a torrent client.
Now I wanted to see all my critical hardware in a second, and I thought of rainmeter skins.

Now I found this skin: [link]
Morph bij ~minhtrimatrix
It is beautifull pack, but I wanted everything in one little panel.
So I modded his skins to make one for my needs, and I decided to share this.

Full credit for the code and the images go to ~minhtrimatrix
I took a few lines from Omnimo by =fediaFedia
And I modded the rest myself!

Have fun with it

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This looks great. Are you capable of adding temps for CPU, GPU, Mobo and VRAM