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Forced quest

Character  Lars, ghost tamer Location  Endlessland


DeviantArt In the meantime, at King Leopold III's castle, Lars is asked to enrol on a mission

Bullet; Green Lars: "I know I am a skilled man sr, but with all respect, I have no idea where she is (Piena)"

Bullet; Red Commander: "Arrogant as always Lars, the only reason you have the crown favour always is because you are such a useful asset for the kingdom, I will recognize and give you that. Anyway, this is a non-negotiable task, asked directly from the king"

Bullet; Green Lars: "I would never disobey a direct order from King Leopold, but in this case, I think he has been listening to a bad influence, let me talk to him first"

Bullet; Red Commander: "You are starting to cross lines boy... you work for the kingdom, just that, how dare you think you can talk directly to the loyalty?"

Bullet; Green Lars: "(Damn it... I know the king has been talking to a phantasma that is somehow obsessed with Piena...)"

Bullet; Green Lars: "(Although phantoms are smarter than ghosts, I don't think a foreign entity either from the moon or another celestial body can be so interested in her...)"

Bullet; Green Lars: "(It has to be a ghost that spawned recently and it was one of Piena's prey, therefore these are their remanent memories... I know it's a woman, I just need to know her name and a bit of information to connect the dots...)"

Bullet; Yellow Flashback:

Phantasmas -> The difference between ghosts and phantoms  Phantasmas: Ghosts and Phantoms by StilettoCollector

Bullet; Yellow References:

Leopold castle  Looking for food by StilettoCollector

The commander who is talking to Lars was the one who sent the hunter after Piena  Sr by StilettoCollector

Bullet; Yellow Unkwons:

Who is this phantasma so obsessed with Piena?  Looking for Piena by StilettoCollector

What's the connection between Lars and Piena? Lars, ghost tamer by StilettoCollector  Piena, bat tamer by StilettoCollector

Bullet; Yellow In the next Image:

We will discover why Lars is so good at taming ghosts and why he is asking for that phantasma's name and background
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