StilettoCollector on DeviantArt

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StilettoCollector's avatar


Character  DemetriusLocation  Zoskou, Endlessland


Bullet; Black Servant: "My Lord, we already packed the gold and a bunch of other precious metals, do we start our march towards the castle again?"

Creature Wings Tutorial Demetrius: "Yes, but go back with your group by flying, I want the bounty in the castle  Demetrius' castle by StilettoCollector as soon as possible"

Bullet; Black Servant: "Ok Sr; one more thing: the messenger  Executioner by StilettoCollector still hasn't arrived, how do we proceed?"

Creature Wings Tutorial Demetrius: "It seems that electric girl  Voltaga, Amethyst Thunderbolt by StilettoCollector killed him... useless pawn... send another  group back to the castle through the forest by foot, you probably bump into her; kill her even if you don't want to eat her; no symbiosis Symbiosis by StilettoCollector whatsoever"

Creature Wings Tutorial Demetrius: "Corina, classify the survivors, they are now our slaves. Once done, your group is going to take them to the castle surrounding the coast"

Bullet; Red Bullet; Red Bullet; Red Bullet; Red Bullet; Red 

Related to:  Zoskou under attack by StilettoCollector  Invasion by StilettoCollector
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