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stayman's avatar

Win7 Aero on XP differently



Windows XP desktop with look and Aero effect as Windows 7
Produced without the use of WindowBlinds.


General use:

  • Visual Styles SevenVG RTM Theme for XP by =Vishal-Gupta [link]

  • 7 MOD Seven Remix XP by ~NiwradSoft [link]

  • Border Skin - Aero Glass On XP by ~komalo [link]

  • ViGlance for Aero Seven Xp by ~ernasco [link]

  • Perfect clear taskbar win7 xp by *PeterRollar [link]

  • TClock for transparent start menu (15%), tutorial by ~nemesiscult [link]

  • WMP 12 for Winamp by ~XceNiK [link]

  • Sidebar gadgets by =adni18 [link]

  • Summer Wallpaper by ~Delta909 [link]

  • Layout Explorer toolbar by my tutorial [link]

  • and more...

For other change and features read my easy tutorial [link]

For the fresh news please visit my gallery and faves.
Thanks for all.
Last updated 14.09.2009
Image size
1920x1200px 1.96 MB
© 2009 - 2024 stayman
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TheRadiationMaster's avatar
WOW!Nice!If i had only seen the image not the description or title,i would have thought it was Windows 7!