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Chocobo-Oh what now



Sam didn't know why but the giant bird seemed to calm down...almost like it was in some kind of shock. He gently gave a tug and it followed him into the pen and he closed the gate behind them. he took a moment to look the creature over...maybe it was hurt.

He checked her wings, her feet, felt for broken bones or other signs of any ailment...there was nothing. She seemed a little of, maybe another variety he wasn't familiar with. he noted her eyes, they were a brilliant blue, beautiful really but they seemed sad.

He never stopped talking to her while he did his check, he tried to be reassuring. Some chocobos were known to be very intelligent, some were believed to understand human speech but this strange one seemed to be reacting to him, calming down.

"Easy girl...just take it easy," he calmly said to her while stroking the back of her neck. "I don't know where ya came from but I'll take care of you until I can find your must be hungry..."

"Kweh?" The last thing Sam said had brought Sara out of her that he said she was hungry...very hungry. She had just turned into a giant flightless bird and now her belly was rumbling...protesting its empty state.

She watched in an almost detached fashion as Sam loaded up a feed trough with chocobo feed. It had always looked like kibble to her...but now it looked appetizing. She bent down as Sam moved out of the way an experimentally pecked at...enough to get a taste...and then she chowing down.

"Whoa, slow down girl...whoa..." Sam offered but the animal was having none of it as the food rapidly disappeared down her throat.

"Poor thing...I hate seeing neglected animals..."

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