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Chibi Stack for Ginokami123



Today we honor :iconginokami123: my fiftieth watcher. Now, this request is LONG overdue, as i am three watchers from 100 at the moment. (which will warrant another prize) Now, i at the time promised her a chibi line, but forgot and lo, it went under the radar for quite a long time until a little while ago where i notified her i would keep my promise. I myself have been promised art by people and never had it delivered multiple times, and it's inexcusable. :iconginokami123: is an awesome person and watcher for being so forgiving, and is allowed to use this image anyway they choose, so long as they don't try to sell it as theirs or anything like that (but i don't think they will :D)

Interestingly enough, this is also pretty much my first attempt at chibi.

Please let me know if the transparency isn't working guys, i'm still trying to figure that out.
Image size
480x1496px 562.45 KB
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Ginokami123's avatar
*u* it's so cute!! I love it! I really like katsik, i think he'sy always gonna be my favortie X3 but i love the way you drew everyone and shaded it X3 :hug: thank you so much sweety, and thank you for all the kind words you wrote about me. the transparency works just fine :3