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The Green Turtle



The mysterious costumed defender of China, The Green Turtle. A hero of the golden age of comics, the next addition to my slowly progressing golden age superhero epic. 

For years there was legend of a green turtle who was China’s savior, and when the small town of Lwang-To was violently beset by foreign invaders the man behind that legend revealed himself to liberate the war torn people. 
His identity is shrouded in mystery, even from his closest allies, but there are those who believe they know who the man beneath the mask truly is. 
Using an advanced rocket powered turtle plane and watching for threats that need his assistance from within his hidden mountain turtle palace, The Green Turtle goes wherever he is needed to help the people of China in their times of need. 

Green Turtle’s most powerful ally in his battle against oppression is the mysterious Turtle Spirit that watches over him always from the shadows. Unseen by anyone but The Green Turtle himself and always helping his cause subtly from the floors and walls its giant shadow casts itself upon. 

Also aiding Green Turtle in his fight against the invaders who threaten China is the dark humored and violent Burma Boy, who holds nothing but glee for the death of those who are responsible for the murder of his family. 

Though normally confining his activities within the borders of China, when a threat arises that threatens his entire world and many worlds beyond Green Turtle will rise to the cause alongside many others in opposition to an evil beyond all comprehension! 

I’m eager to bring the full scope of this comic to you, I’m looking for more moments to work on this throughout each day so I appreciate your patience! Looking forwards to bringing you more of the project currently known to you as…
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2820x4230px 2.42 MB
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I love the Green Turtle, especially the version seen in The Shadow Hero.