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[CLOSED] Glasswings adoptables

3.2K Views1 Collected Privately


I really enjoyed painting these little guys. They look like birdies but they can't fly. Their glass wings are decorative. ^^ Still working on their story so more info about them may be available at some time.

They are available for adoption! If there is a Bird you like leave your comment naming the bird and what you are offering :)

  • You can preety much do what you want with your bird but ALWAYS credit me as the original creator/source
  • You can completely ignore and change their names/bios (if you do i will update them here aswell :))
  • If you are going to trade/sell in or outside DA please inform me
  • Buyers will receive a larger full ress .png file of their birb with transparent BG

1. Fluffcloud
CLOSED (paid)
Owner: :iconsound-of-heaven:

Spends a hell of a lot time just gazing at clouds and making up shapes with their mind. If there are no clouds in the sky they insist that they can still "see" clouds

2. Springcherry
Status: CLOSED (paid)
Owner: :icondarkjinx1994:

Springcherry is chipper and eager to grow up so they can buy "as many candy as she wants" They looks sweet but throws tantrums when their not getting what they want

3. Chillnight
Status:CLOSED (paid)
Owner: :iconflyingwaysofducks:

They goes thru their teenage angsty phase so they are quick to anger and talk back. Stays up until 3:00 am to write "poems". Or at least that's the name they gave for their NSFW fan-fictions

4. Melancholy
Status: CLOSED (paid)
Owner: "iconhanaeve:

They consider themselves very smart. Can count up to "Tuesday"... Melancholy is not their real name but she changed it to be "more unique". They are hardly ever melancholic

5. Halfmoon
Status: CLOSED (paid)
Owner: :iconnyantoasty:

The kind of bird who looks serious and cool but given the chance they will start telling you the stupidest jokes. They like fishing and are addicted to coffee.

6. Pinkleafs
Status: CLOSED (paid)
Owner: :iconmerbusleader:

They are aloof and mysterious. Usually seen under a tree reading some book. Most of the time it's a coloring book

7. Bluelake
Status: CLOSED (paid) 
Owner: :iconmysticoma:

Free spirit. An adventurer.They left home very early and now they live in a tent. Right in their parents backyard.Because home food is too good to abandon

8. Hotsun
Status: CLOSED (paid)
Owner: :icondaiyedlily:

Energetic and outgoing. If they let them visit you they will raid your fridge, go thru your stuff and ask you all kinds of personal questions. Always enters rooms without knocking. Even if it's the toilet.

Image size
3507x2480px 4.46 MB
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HanaEve's avatar
Aaa can you reserve Melancholy for a day or so so I can charge up on points?