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mangosango's avatar

Spaceberries for Everyone!



Right on schedule! (LOL)
The litestep works (sometimes haha). The truetransparency x86 is intended for use ONLY to make the opera skin look awesome in screenshots. The Opera skin is ONLY meant to be used in screenshots.

That's about it. I recommend using Neiio's wonderful Spaceberries VS along with the LS for everyday use.

That's about it folks! Thanks for waiting.

Bah, dA is being dumb and won't let me upload my zip. Get the file here for now: [link]

EDIT: WOW. Apparently I'm not allowed to submit to the litestep gallery anymore??? What is this nonsense. I swear you get old and people start treating you bad ;P
Image size
1920x1080px 797.95 KB
© 2013 - 2024 mangosango
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B2-2's avatar
i like this opera skin.