Makkart99 on DeviantArt

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Makkart99's avatar




HI! (*^▽^*)
The auction will end 48 hours after the last bid.

✧༝┉Sand fox┉༝✧
Mischievous sand fox. Very cunning and extremely impressionable.

SB: $15
MI: $5
AB: 350$

Payment Plan:
  A payment plan starting at a rate of $ 200 per month is also available.
     You pay half of the bid immediately after the auction.
      If you have any questions about the Payment Plan, I will be glad to answer you in private messages.

BID RESPONSIBLY. Make sure you have the money on hand before bidding.

After payment, you will receive)

-  unwatermarked version of the character, PNG, PSD


-Do not edit or delete your bid. Those who do will get black listed

-Payment is accepted via Boosty (only USD) 

-Payment must be made within 24 - 30 hours


Once purchased, the character and pattern/design of this specific creature/character

is yours, and you may do the following with them:

-Use them as your own character, meaning giving any name, gender, or backstory you please.

-You’re free to redesign my characters as much as you want, I don’t mind. 

-Resell or trade them, all though I would highly appreceate it if you would not resell them for more than you bought them. Except of course if you did additional art for the character you sell with them

-Your DA account must be at least 1-2 month old

-Failure to make the payment within the time period will result in me taking the adopt back and being able to resell it

Thank you:3 

Image size
2174x1558px 3.72 MB
© 2024 Makkart99
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Makkart99's avatar

BID here please:3

SB: $15

MI: $5

AB: -