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August 1, 2011
Soaked Kitten 03 by *Jin-KStock Suggesters Words: Not only does this stock image make you Awwww, but it provides a wonderful reference for traditional artists
Featured by shelldevil
Suggested by Helly-stock
lumibear's avatar

Soaked Kitten 03



Thanks for the DD! :heart: I suppose I should put Savvy's story in here in that case.

My mom went to pick up some neglected horses to take them to their new homes. When she arrived, this little orange kitten ran up to the truck to greet her. The entire time she was there, he would follow her around and every chance he got, he would try to get in the truck or the trailer. Eventually the owner of the property asked if she wanted to take him home. She reluctantly agreed. This poor little thing was absolutely COVERED in fleas. He was hungry and had some sort of eye infection. Here he's all wet because we gave him a bath to help with the fleas. Since he was too young to use your regular flea control, we ended up picking the stunned fleas off of him by hand xD

As it turned out, there were 3 more litters of kittens where he came from. One of the owners had been putting the kittens in a crate and leaving them in the woods to die to take care of the "cat problem." My mom and her friend were able to organize a rescue and we got all of the kittens out of there. So far, they've all found new homes (including Savvy's sister Lyra, who we decided to keep as well) except for 2 of the smaller kittens. If it wasn't for Savvy insisting to go home with my mom, then all of those kittens probably would have died. Go Savvy!

As a side note, since this picture was taken Savvy has been dewormed and the rescue we were working with gave us a tube of flea/tick control for kittens. His eye infection has also cleared up. He's the biggest, fattest, most mischievous kitten out of the whole bunch. If anyone lives in the South Carolina area and is interested in adopting the last 2 kittens, let me know! One is a muted calico who was born with a deformed ear. She is VERY thin, but oh so playful. The other is a sweet little brown tabby with white paws. She loves to be cuddled. The remaining 2 along with Savvy and Lyra are having the time of their lives in our barn! We transformed one of our empty stalls into a kitty play room and they loveeee to irritate my adult cats when we let them have the run of the place.

Update: All kittens have found homes!

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Image size
4320x3240px 3.08 MB
Shutter Speed
10/4000 second
Focal Length
15 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Nov 30, 1999, 12:00:00 AM
© 2011 - 2024 lumibear
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