LotusLumino on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lotuslumino/art/Outfit-design-277-closed-587484034LotusLumino

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LotusLumino's avatar

Outfit design - 277 - closed


Badge Awards


Only the owner of the outfit (who bought it) is allowed to use it! 

auction ends on 02.02 , midnight, hungarian time  ^^

The owner can use all three versions freely/combine them etc!

(Hats/Hoods/Headdresses never have to be used)

please read the info D: !

I only accept cash (paypal) This goes for each outfit

Starting bid: 30 $
Min inc: 2 $
Autobuy: 75 $

Please reply to the " Bid here " comment! ^^

Owner: :iconsamonsea:

Also please note, I will not put them on hold for longer than a day, you have to HAVE the money when the auction ends !!!!!!!!

other outfit(s) on sale:

Please, do NOT post or share it anywhere without my permission, no pinterest no facebook etc...unless you are the owner! 

!! Rules:
 No reselling or claiming that you drew the original design/drawing + please credit me when needed 
Do NOT change the design, this includes colors, shapes , everything. You can of course add things as your character might do it but otherwise,
(Obviously, changes to fit the characters physics, or small things are allowed! )
if you know you will want to change the color or something about it, don't bid.. thank you <33333333

Also, if you bid make sure to Have the money actually.
I don't want people to change their minds in the last minute : /

New: Since dA added this new feature, to allow people to hide their comments, if you bid and then hide it (and I see that you did bid earlier), I will automatically ban you from all my future auctions and adopt batches. 

Drawing (c) me
Image size
2170x1490px 794.26 KB
© 2016 - 2024 LotusLumino
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Starlight5686445's avatar

Very cool. And welcome. May God light your path.❤️