kAtz93 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/katz93/art/Metalik-Glass-mockup-183513123kAtz93

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kAtz93's avatar

Metalik Glass mockup



yes,i'm back babe,it's so much sooner than i though cause i have Internet connection now :D i though my parents will never make it,but they did
well,i'll still be less active on dA because of senior year (= more study) so pls forgive me guys !

about Metalik Glass

yep,i'm back with glass theme for 7,this will be a fresh start.
It won't be released soon,that's for sure,wait til 2011 folks :P

peace :peace:
Image size
1024x768px 730.81 KB
© 2010 - 2024 kAtz93
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8000860's avatar
Pleace, can U use that rounded buttins in your Metalik Glass VS (now I see there only square).