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Alastair and Leona - A New Bond Forged in Kindness

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Finally, Alastair decides to take action, starting with a small hamlet where slavers have set up shop and are preying upon the weakened Timber Wolfkin tribes.

There, he witnesses a wretched display: a defiant wolfkin being beaten as an example to the other slaves and townsfolk. The crack of the whip makes Alastair's blood boil with rage, especially as he sees the wolfkin has a broken leg and signs of severe beatings.

His feet drive him forward just as the whip cracks down again, wrapping around his gauntlet and the tip snapping into the palm of his weathered glove-covered hand. Alastair grabs the whip and holds it tight, pulling the slaver toward him while growling a single warning:

"That's enough."

The injured wolfkin looks up at him in shock and awe. His silver hair and eyes draw her attention, and the raw power of his single arm dragging the slaver towards him leaves her speechless.

He drags the slaver, who resists the entire time to no avail, towards himself, hand over hand, until the slaver is face to face with him. Alastair doesn't hesitate to smite the man, sending him tumbling to the ground. Unwinding the whip, he uses it on the slaver, whose guards are too terrified to move against Alastair. Unbeknownst to him, he is exuding the powerful presence of a dragon, shocking everyone present except for the wolfkin, who look on in awe as he righteously beats the slaver with their own weapon.

Once the man is a shuddering and terrified wreck, Alastair draws his sword and points it at the remaining slavers.

"Leave and don't come back. If you do, only death awaits you."

Once they scatter, Alastair kneels down to tend to the wolfkin's wound. As soon as he finishes, she leans forward, resting against his shoulder wordlessly, taking in the scent of her savior. Alastair holds still for a long time, a feeling of warmth creeping into his heart—a warmth he thought had been long dead.

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