JustynaDura on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/justynadura/art/Magic-the-Gathering-Arcane-Endeavor-885295121JustynaDura

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Magic: the Gathering - Arcane Endeavor

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Arcane Endeavor for Magic: the Gathering Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Commander set!
AD: Andrew Vallas
Yes, the cat knocked over an ink bottle
. I also added some small easter eggs for ful-res illustration:)
Image size
2000x1563px 1.32 MB
© 2021 - 2024 JustynaDura
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Let's find the other Easter Eggs.

I found a scroll with a 5 mana sorted non traditionally. What' does it mean?

Besides, there a "mystical tutor" glass filled up with blue liquid.

What else? Justyna tell us about the others 🙏