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Using the custom box in Eclipse

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hello and welcome to my really rough looking guide on how to use the custom box in eclipse to add a custom background, images, and text editing. I've never done a guide before so I apologize for the awful look LOL I also don't really have the patience or talent to make it look pretty, so hopefully my handwriting is legible enough~ I'm also sorry for how long it is orz

this mostly includes everything on what I've done to my custom boxes. Its still limited in some areas (like any uploaded image cant be moved to where you want it, like the little sparkles I use to frame some text in my custom boxes in the old layout) but it is workable. This is also all the information that I know based on my hour or so playing with it - there may be info that is missing because I don't know it yet. 

As with adding anything custom to your pages - please make sure you are either using your own work, free to use work, or artwork that you have permission from the artist to use (such as a commissioned piece for you). 
Any images you add will link back to the artist, but images uploaded from stash will not - so please make sure to leave artist credit somewhere : ) 

if you have any questions please let me know - I am happy to help the best I can with the knowledge that I have. 

OH as a quick note - editing the text can be a bit buggy so double check what is going on! I noticed sometimes I'll highlight a single sentence, go to edit the color, and then suddenly the whole paragraph is selected. Its normal. 
this is also all done through a desktop PC. I am not sure how intuitive this is on a phone web page browser (if you're not using the app) 
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AikaWolfsoul's avatar

Thank you so much for this <3