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Transblack FINAL v1



Transblack FINAL version is out

i call this version 1
cuz u thinking of doing more stuff on it
and maybe change som mayor stuff
il see what it turns out

i know there maybe will be som minor stuff i could work on
but hey.. im just a living person
it would take ages to work on it all
and thats why i call this V.1

as u can see in the preview i included som stuff
i didnt include the OD skin cuz, everyone doesnt use that
so u can find it in my gallery

i wanna thank :icontommyboyhr:
for helping me out with some resource searching
and giving some advice

and i wanna thank all guys out there who have given me credits making me wanna work harder on this

i rly hope u enjoy this for now


use vistaglazz (google) then patch ur windows file so u can use an visualstyle

put the folder in normal or autohide
in the windows>resources>themes folder
then go in personalize>window color and apparence then open classic appearance properties to change it

the browseui.dll i recommend to use either total commandor or restorator to change it, its located in windows>system32 folder, in restorator just run it as administrator open the browseui.dll from my theme, and replace it (make a backup of the old one, i think restorator do that for u)

and it should work after u restart explorer

im sry for my bad english!
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