Hiroshi25 on DeviantArt

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Hiroshi25's avatar

(Light) Tier 4 - Crusader



Crusaders are not the usual soldiers in Haven. Part of the revered armies in the Element of Light, Crusaders are knights blessed with Light. They are able to use the powers of Light in their attacks as well as to invigorate their comrades, to a limited extent. Similar to their Guardian, yet of a much limited proficiency.

Still, they are to be feared. With greater forces supporting them from behind, their charge is massive. It was once said that a platoon of Crusaders attacking is akin to a huge flash of light crashing upon you both emotionally and physically. It burns with such ferocity that is only matched by a few other creatures who wield the powers of the Light.

Tier: Common
Rank: 4
Image size
1024x1024px 1.35 MB
Created using AI tools
© 2024 Hiroshi25
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jctthelegend's avatar

really appreciate art style