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Vampire Hunter D

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So, for Halloween I wanted to do vampires...... because I've been watching The Strain diligently for the past few weeks now.

Now, if i've been watching The Strain this whole time, why the hell draw D?  Because I loved Quinlan.... and he was basically a dhampir.... and when I think of dhampirs, I automatically think of D.  Ladies and gentlemen, my train of thought.

Also, the last time I actually drew D was back in 2005 (…).... memories..... Llama Emoji-20 (Grumpy) [V1] 
So, I thought that drawing him would be something fun to do, in light of all these deadlines I have now.

I will try to come up with something more seasonally appropriate soon.

Process shots can be found here:
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BTW, i had this track on loop the whole time i was drawing this:…

(Download for glorious hair-strands in HD?)
Image size
2760x1800px 3.62 MB
© 2016 - 2024 Gido
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This is awesome! I love it. I've recently got back into the novels after about 20 years when they first started translating them to English. His left hand provides some great moments of levity in the books. Love your depiction of both! I wish I could have this as arcade stick art.