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Daily Deviation

February 14, 2022
Aphrodite by fdasuarez
Featured by AlexanderPaupoff
fdasuarez's avatar


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Hey guys, here is my new piece, I am doing Greek Gods! and we are starting with Aphrodite (:. I hope you like it!

If you become a Patron at my Patreon   you get access to my finished paintings before everyone alongside sketches, High Res, Video tutorials and more. 
My patrons make possible for me to work on all my personal pieces, please consider supporting me there <3.

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Image size
3302x4700px 16.49 MB
© 2021 - 2024 fdasuarez
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NinaErotique's avatar

Love these drawings! They are sexy in the way that I like 😊👍🏻 Here the sexiness enhances and empowers the women you draw! Love that ❤️