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DocBerlin77 Desktop Skin Pack2023 Ver1.4 1.0

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Here is my new skin pack
It is of course possible to hide everything so that only the dark taskbar and the Windows icons are visible
There are 2 versions German and English

It is a completely revised version of my Doc Skin Pack No 3.3…

(This was also urgently needed, firstly because the Rss feed no longer works and secondly because the ini file contained many errors or unnecessary lines)  

I have now integrated the music player and the audio visualizer into the taskbar

And I have added hard disk drives, if you click on the drive letters, the corresponding drive will be opened.

If you move the mouse over the recycle bin, the contents are displayed    

If you move the mouse wheel over the speaker, you can adjust the volume

And with the WiFi icons you can open your network connections and also see the reception strength

To the right of the Windows icon is an invisible taskbar with a left click, you can see all active tasks  

If you move your mouse over the time display, you can use the left mouse button to open a desktop folder that shows you everything you have on the desktop and with the right mouse button you can switch the desktop icons on and off

All important information is displayed via ToolTipText

The music player is only compatible with Winamp

to adjust the weather to your country region, open the weather ini there it will be explained to you
and don't worry it is easy to change the weather  

I hope you like my work I would be very happy about comments and likes

Best regards DocBerlin77

Translated with (free version)
© 2023 - 2024 DocBerlin77
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Nice and clean! 😻