
Anybody Can Write a Novel - Outline

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Anybody Can Write A Novel - Outline

A Step-by-step Guide for Anyone to Learn How to Write a Novel

This is an Outline of all my current articles, and a look at what is to come. I will try to update it, at least once every two weeks. Also note that just because something is absent from the Outline does not mean I don't plan to write it. This is a compilation of only chapters that have already been written.

(You'll notice that I have neglected some points and chapters within this Outline. This this is simply a result of realizing that there is so much to learn, when it comes to writing. Don't worry, I'll be sure to come back and fill in the gaps. Also, if this list inspires any requested topics that you would like me to address, please feel free to suggest them in the comments section.)

Chapter 1– Beginning to Write


    Reading Like a Writer

    Writer's Block

   Optimizing Your Writing Space

Chapter 2– Choosing a Genre

    Story Types





    Young Adult/Children

    Historical Fiction








Chapter 3- World Building

    Constructing a Timeline

    Mapping Your World

Chapter 4- Preparing Your Plot

     Creating a Twelve Point Plot Outline

    Writing a Plot Premise

Chapter 5- Choosing and Designing Characters

    Characters to Use in Your Story








        -Supporting Characters

        -Universe Filler Characters



        -Point-of-view Characters

    Characters to Avoid in Your Story

    Character Motivation

Chapter 6- From One Plot-point to the Next

  -Act I


    Inciting Incident

    First Turning Point

  -Act II

    Rising Action

    First Pinch Point



    Second Pinch Point

    Second Turning Point

  -Act III

    Stand Up



Chapter 7– Revising Your Novel

   Building Chapters

   Constructing Paragraphs

   Writing Sentences

   Using Words

   Punctuating Sentences 



   Describing Your Setting

   Creating Descriptions

    Getting Rid of Melodrama

    Giving Effective Criticism

    Adjusting Pace

    Dramatic Tension

    Character Dialogue

    Action Scenes

    Exposition Dumps

   Receiving and Using Reader Criticism

Chapter 8– From Story to Art

    Adding Depth to Your Novel

    Adding Mystery to Your Novel

    Ethics and Responsibility in Writing

    Cultural Diversity in Writing

    Frame and Meta Narratives

    Attaining a Sense of Realism

    Understanding Originality

    Introducing Your Characters

   Creating a Character Voice

Chapter 9– Types of Writers

    What Type of Writer Are You?

    Career Writers

    Indie Writers

    Casual Writers

    Fan Writers

    Revolutionary Writers

    Commercial Writers

    Niche Writers

    Personal Writers

    Literary Writers 

Chapter 10– Publishing and the Writing Life

    Becoming Self-Motivated

    Reasons to Write a Second Novel Before Publishing

    Difficult Writing Truths

    Collaborative Writing

   Loving Your Stories

   Teaching Others to Write

Chapter 11- Resources

    Youtube Channels 

Chapter 12 - Mini-tutorials


Chapter 13 - Draft Progressions

   The Woodcutter (waking in the woods scene)

This is an Outline of all my current articles, and a look at what is to come. I will try to update it, at least once every two weeks. Also note that just because something is absent from the Outline does not mean I don't plan to write it. This is a compilation of only chapters that have already been written.

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