
Cherry Blossoms

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Daily Deviation

Daily Deviation

July 5, 2024
Cherry Blossoms by CashmereRaccoon
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Literature Text

It feels like you arrived only the day before,

When you entered my life through that mystery train door,

You saw it as a mistake, although I saw it as fate,

And ever since we met, oh, the secrets I've kept,

With nobody to tell, save for a seashell,

A gift from a hand I'd liked to have held,

A reminder of the past; of a dream unrealized,

Of a hope that was dashed, but still trapped in my mind,

And the ocean I hear, when that shell's held to my ear,

Each time, it reminds me of you, my most dear,

My heart, out at sea; alone, bittersweet;

Surrounded by salt, yet love to the deep

- Isabelle

Scene Divider

"Good morning, everyone!" Isabelle exclaimed cheerfully over the loudspeaker. "Right now, the time is 8:33 am, Thursday. I'd just like to remind you all that this Saturday is the Cherry Blossom Festival! Picnicking amid the cherry blossoms, swirling in the breeze... It's the perfect way to ring in the spring! Feel free to grab your own seasonal kimono and join us for the special occasion!"

Then she turned it off and plucked up her to-do list, which had been laying beside a photograph. Through the frame stared a grey cat in a waistcoat and tie, with black ears and paws, and a blonde tuft of hair perched on his forehead. His half-closed eyes—one green and one yellow—held a no-nonsense sort of expression. A look of intelligence and leadership, of dignity and sophistication, all behind one pair of glasses. Yes, Isabelle would do her very best to make this festival just perfect; then maybe, just maybe, Raymond would say yes when she asked him to spend it with her.

Her cheeks warming, she shifted her eyes back to the list. Ah, yes! She needed to see how the picnic blankets were coming along.

She stepped out into the morning sunlight and, pausing to smell some tulips, headed to the tailor shop, Able Sisters. But Mabel wasn't at the door to greet her, as she normally would be; instead, she was in the back corner with Sable.

"Wow, sis!" she exclaimed. "This is really some of your best work right here!"

"Why thank you, Mabel. I do still need to add a few finishing touches, though."

"Wow," Isabelle breathed, once she saw what they were referring to. "This is absolutely gorgeous!"

Hanging on a mannequin was a beautiful green kimono, fading between two shades of green, with a flower print that faded between pink and white.

The sisters looked though they'd been caught committing a crime. "I-Isabelle!" they cried in unison.

She tilted her head, her hair bell jingling. "What?"

"You just kinda messed up the surprise."

"Now, Mabel!" Sable scolded. Turning to Isabelle, she said, "It wasn't your fault, dear. It was just unexpected, is all. You see, we've been working on this kimono for you. It's a completely original design from the others on the shelves. Just a little way of saying 'thank you' for all the work you're always putting in around here."

"'We?' Haha, naw! It's all been Sable. This whole thing was her idea, and she's been doing all the work too!"

"Oh, none of that now. You've been a big help on this project, and I've appreciated every inch of it."

Isabelle's Spring Gift

As they were talking, Isabelle was feeling the soft, silky material. " means so much that you'd go through all the trouble to make this, just for me. And while you've been busy with all those blankets and the other kimonos, too. Thank you both so much!"

Sable nodded appreciatively. "You can thank us when it's finished. Would you mind coming back tomorrow to model it for us? I'm afraid I don't know your size, so I think it'll need to be fitted."

"Certainly! Oh, and before I forget, I came to ask you how those picnic blankets were coming along. I sure hope it hasn't been too much trouble."

"Oh, don't you worry about that, dear. Blankets aren't as hard to make as clothes, and of course Mabel has been a big help with them, too. We only need two more, and they're all finished."

"Excellent! Well, I'll let you get back to it. Thanks again for the beautiful kimono, I can't wait to try it on!"

Once she left, another glance at the list reminded her that she should check on how the food was coming along. She headed to Goldie's house, knocking lightly so as not to startle the timid dog.

"Oh, Isabelle! It's lovely to see you, woof," Goldie greeted, her voice soft as ever. "Please, do come inside!"

They went straight to the kitchen, which was positively littered with ingredients and dishes.

"I hope you won't pay too much attention to the mess, woof. Normally my workflow is much tidier than this, but Bones and Cherry really wanted to help out, and I'm afraid they got a little carried awa—"

"Cherry?" Isabelle blurted. The very name sent a shiver up her spine.

"Yes, our big sister," Goldie explained. "I'm sorry, I completely forgot to tell you she was visiting! She's in the backyard at the grill now. Would you like me to introduce you...? Isabelle...?"

Isabelle was creeping to the window. It couldn't have possibly been the same Cherry; yes, it must have been somebody else. It had to have been. She peeked outside...

It was her.

There was no mistaking that amount of mascara, with one eye tucked away in the middle of a big black spot. Somehow Isabelle had never noticed it, but Goldie and Bones had spots in the same places. A family trait, she supposed, but from her perspective there were no other similarities between the three. Goldie was the sweetest dog she knew, always generous with her time and a passionate bookworm. Bones—who had just creeped out from a cabinet and was sneaking up behind Isabelle—was a playful, good-natured sport. Sure, he wasn't exactly the brightest, but he always had a good thing to say about everybody. But Cherry...

"Boo!" Bones shouted. But Isabelle didn't budge. So he tried again, throwing in a different gesture with each attempt. "Boo! Boo! Boo-ya! Baaa-yoo! Boo? Yip-yip...? Oh, boo...."

His shoulders slumped and he crawled back under the cabinet.

"Oh my...," Goldie murmured. She put a paw on the Shih Tzu's shoulder, snapping her out of her daze. "I take it you two aren't exactly friends?"

Isabelle sighed. "Not exactly...."

Then Raymond waltzed up to the backyard fence, his nose in the air as if it were guiding him.

"Isabelle! Come back!" Goldie cried.

But she was already at the backdoor, eavesdropping.

"Good day, Miss," Raymond greeted, peering into the yard. "I must say, that does smell quite good! Such a shame I never thought to try kale and purple onions on a grilled portobella myself before."

Cherry smirked. "Hey, right on! You got yourself a good nose there, Shortstuff! I like me a guy who knows his way around a grill."

"Well, I don't mean to brag, but—"

Isabelle popped up between them. "Oh, Raymond, hi! Hey, would you like to come see my new kimono?"

"Isabelle!" Cherry exclaimed. "I'd recognize that good ol' speech impediment anywhere! Heh, it's like we're gettin' the whole gang back together!"

Isabelle groaned, realizing she really shouldn't have let herself come outside. Now she'd have to talk to her.

"I'll have to see your kimono later, crisp," Raymond said. "I'm afraid I'm a very busy cat. The stalk market waits for no one. But why don't you introduce me to your lovely friend here before I go?"


"Oh yeah, me and Isabelle here go way back," Cherry chimed in.

"Um, yeah, way back...actuallyI just remembered something and as it happens, I have to get going too! What a coincidence." This wasn't entirely a lie; she really did have a long list to fulfill.

"Ah, I see." Raymond gave a short nod, then motioned toward Cherry. "And...?"

"Oh, and...this is Cherry."

"Cherry, then. It was nice meeting you. Have a good day, both of you." And his ears disappeared behind the fence as he hopped down from something. Isabelle wondered what that might have been.

"See ya later, Shortstuff!" Cherry called, waving her spatula.

As Isabelle trudged back inside, Cherry tugged at the back of her collar.

"Hey, where ya goin'? We've got so much catchin' up to do, what what!"

"As I said, I'm very busy."

"Busy with what? Need any help?"

Isabelle flipped out her list, scanning it with an air of professionalism. "I must pick up some decorations from Nook's Cranny. And I am perfectly capable of accomplishing one such task by myself. But thank you for offering."

"Well, okay then...need any help puttin' 'em up?"

"I have already formed a committee for one such task."

Suddenly Isabelle became aware that Goldie was watching from the window, and she looked worried. She must have sensed Isabelle's apparent bitterness. But suddenly, she darted off, and they could both hear her screaming.

"My pear cupcakes! Nooo!"

CRASH! They hurried inside to find Goldie lying on top of Bones and both of them caked in flour. Goldie uttered a soft "woof." Cherry pointed and burst into laughter, while Isabelle helped them up.

"Mr. Centipede wanted a bite, too," Bones whined, holding up the bug for emphasis.

"I'm afraid Mr. Centipede doesn't live in the batter, Bones." Goldie dusted herself off and groaned, looking around at the mess. "I guess that's it for the baking...."

"No prob!" Cherry chimed in. "I'll just drop by the shop and grab ya some more flour."

"O-or I could," Isabelle stammered.

"But you're busy with all that fancy-schmansy-dancy decor, remember?"

Isabelle gave a soft sigh. There was nothing she could do to stop Cherry from going to a public place.

On the way out, Goldie pulled Isabelle aside and whispered, "Are you sure about this?"

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. It'll just be a few minutes, anyway."

Goldie didn't look like she quite believed her, but before she could say anything else, she smelled something.

"The portabellas! Nooo!"

She ran out back to the grill Cherry had left unattended.

"Let's hurry before she gets back here to chew me out!" Cherry joked.

And so they were on their way. The walk was quiet, at first. Cherry made a few remarks about the weather and about how cool it must have been to live on an island, but Isabelle didn't have much to respond with. Cherry sighed.

"Y'know I've been wonderin' about...why you left that day."


"Was it...somethin' I did?"

"We're here." Isabelle entered the shop, letting the door swing into Cherry's face behind her.

"Welcome to Nook's Cranny!" Timmy welcomed cheerfully.

"...Cranny!" Tommy echoed.

"Hi, boys! Hope everything's going well! I'm just here to pick up those decorations for the festival."

"'Hope everything's going well,'" Cherry repeated in a mocking tone, rubbing her purple nose as she came in.

"Certainly! (...certainly!) They're stored in the back. Give us one moment. (...moment!)"

The young raccoons waddled off to the storage room while Cherry browsed the shelf. Isabelle shifted impatiently from foot to foot and tried not to make eye contact. A moment later, the bell on the doors rang as Raymond came in, dragging a large sack behind him. Cherry grinned.

"What whatcha got there, Shortstuff? Whatever it is, it's a lot of it!"

He was struggling with the sack, which had gotten lodged between the double doors. "T...turnips...!"

While Cherry laughed, Isabelle rushed to reopen the doors for him. "You know, you could stand to be a little more helpful, Cherry," she pointed out.

Cherry crossed her arms. "Hey, I've been offerin' to help you with stuff. And you sure could stand to have a little fun once in a while, anybody ever tell you that?"

Raymond's gaze shifted back and forth between them. "Did I miss something...?"

Just then, the Nook boys returned, each wobbling under boxes overflowing with streamers, string lights, flags, and other decorations.

"Here they are! (...are!)"

"Ah, thank you."

Isabelle relieved them of the packages and, as she was leaving, she could hear Cherry and Raymond whispering to one another.

"What's up with her?"

Raymond shrugged. "It's a stressful job, I suppose."

"It wouldn't have to be, if she'd let anyone help her."

"I suppose she can be a little overbearing at times.”


Isabelle ran off and plopped down under a tree, dropping the boxes beside her. Not again, she thought, holding her face in her paws. Please, not this again…!

"Hiya, silly!" hollered Rosie’s squeaky voice from the treetop, her blue fur speckled with twigs and leaves.


"Hey, are those the decorations? They look très fab!"

"Yeah, fab...hey, Rosie, do you think you could take these for me?"

She scrambled down the tree. "Sure thing! Vivian and Chevre are totes gonna flip when they see these puppies! Hey, is something wrong? You look way bummed."

"No, no, it's nothing. I wouldn't want to bother you, anyway."

"You sure? 'Cuz my ears are always peeled! Just like a banana!

"It's nothing I haven't dealt with before," Isabelle said with a half-smile.

"Well, aaalrighty then!"

After Rosie had gone, Isabelle checked her list again. There was still another merchant to talk to...and places needed to be reserved for the picnic blankets...oh, and Graham needed some medicine...

As the sun set behind the hills and the streets grew lonely, there was only one thing Isabelle hadn't finished. It was merely a mental note, something she had never written on the list, and that was to ask Raymond to go out with her to the festival. But she couldn't risk that now. Not with her around.

She wandered to Resident Services and passed the checklist over the counter to Tom Nook.

"Everything's ready," she said halfheartedly.

"Goodness! Isabelle, what's wrong?" Tom asked.


"I can see something must be. I'm here if you want to talk about it, yes?"

"Thanks for offering, but I'm just tired, that's all."

"Well, alright then. But I’m here if you change your mind. It's not good to keep your feelings bottled up, hm?"

"Thanks, Mr. Nook."

And she dragged herself off to bed. The next day she woke up feeling a little bit better, at least well enough make the morning announcement. And of course she had promised to model her kimono. Ignoring the tulips this time, she went back to Able Sisters.

"Welcome to Able Sisters, where we sell fashions made lovingly by—oh, Isabelle! You all ready to get a-modelin'? Come on back, everything's ready for you!"

She lead her to the back corner, where there was a little futon set out. She thrust the kimono into Isabelle's paws and pushed her toward the changing room. When she returned, it was apparent the garment was just a little too large for her small figure.

"Just as I thought," Sable said with a shake of her prickly head. "I suppose I should have gone a size down after all."

And so Isabelle stood on the futon while Sable circled around her, every so often returning to her desk for another pin. Mabel kept welcoming customers and seeing them off, sometimes having to help them shop in between.

"You've been awfully quiet," Sable remarked. "Is there anything wrong, dear?"

Tom Nook’s words echoed in Isabelle's mind: It's not good to keep your feelings bottled up, hm? Or else your ears will peel, like a banana! Wait, that wasn’t quite right.

The problem turned itself round and round in her head as she tried to find the beginning of it. A moment later, Sable caught Isabelle staring out the window and, following her gaze, she saw Cherry chatting with Raymond in the plaza. She was leaning against Resident Services with a big grin on her face and a black paw on her hip, the other paw gesturing in the air. Whatever she was saying, Raymond was laughing his head off about it.

Sable understood at once. "Oh, I see. Boy trouble?"

"I—er—well, maybe...."

"I've been around that block a few times. I can understand why you'd be upset."

"My ancient sister's been around all the blocks!" Mabel joked.


Isabelle sighed. "Could to you about it, Sable?"

"Of course, dear. I'm sure it'll help you feel better."

"That's what everyone keeps saying."

"You don't think it'll help?"

The Shih Tzu gave a light shake of her head.

"Well, now's your chance to find out."

"Well...I think it really began a long time ago, in my old town. At my old job...."

Scene Divider

There I was, waiting at the train station. The rest of the welcoming committee was there, too; Tortimer had just retired, and everybody was excited to meet our new mayor. Although, admittedly, we all had our own ideas of what we thought he would be like, and our own hopes for what he would do. T-Bone wanted a gym; Winnie wanted a racetrack; Frita wanted a fast-food restaurant; Mr. Resetti wanted a job; and I just wanted to help everyone out however I could. And with my secretary job rolling over into the new mayor's term, his needs would be at the top of my list. I only hoped everyone else's needs would be at the top of his.

"Welcome!" we all shouted, setting off our party poppers.

He seemed a little confused at first for some reason—he probably just wasn't expecting all the attention—but it didn't take him long to get right into the swing of things.He got his approval ratings through the roof. He was raising funds for this, and signing petitions for that, and placing ordinances for thine. The town grew and grew. We got more and more residents, Main Street was bustling, we got lots of shiny new paths and bridges, and there were delicious new fruits imported from far-off towns. But he didn't let any of it go to his head. He never did forget about us small folk, and when he saw how I was so swamped with paperwork, he managed to find a little time to get me a present. A small piece of the ocean itself, an adorable little seashell. I still have it, too. A small reminder of the past.

Well anyway, we all looked up to the mayor and we were all inspired to work harder ourselves. But I wanted to be more than just a fan. I wanted to be something extra special to him. So after weeks of building up my courage, I asked him out to see a K.K. Slider show, and I was absolutely over the moon when he accepted. It seemed like everything was perfect, like nothing bad could ever happen in our little paradise...and that was when she arrived. Cherry, I mean. She was always flirting with him, but thankfully he never really returned any of it. He even asked her to stop, and she did. So I let my guard down. I had other things to focus on, anyway. Mr. Nook had invested in a new business, the one that would lead us right to the island we're on now. The Deserted Island Getaway Package. And he wanted my help with it. Although I wasn't the mayor himself, I had certainly gotten well-acquainted with that sort of work by now, and Mr. Nook knew that. He expected a lot of residents would be coming to his island soon, and he knew he couldn't take care of them all by himself. As exciting as it all sounded, I couldn't possibly leave the mayor, certainly not so quickly after I myself had instigated the relationship. But Mr. Nook assured me I'd have plenty of time to think about it.

One day, I offered the mayor to come to another K.K. Slider show with me. We had both been busy lately and hadn't been spending a lot of time together, so I thought revisiting our first date might rekindle things a bit. But he said he'd be too busy as usual, and assured me it was okay to go by myself. That sounded reasonable enough, and there was no reason to waste my day-off moping about it. So I went. But instantly I could tell something was off. It was quiet...too quiet. Well, I mean, it was a club, so it wasn't really quiet. But there was no whooping, no cheering, no hollering, no clapping. Well, there was. But not from a certain someone. Cherry. The entire town was there, except for the mayor and Cherry. Instantly, I leaped up from my seat. I still remember how tight my chest was, how I just couldn't think about anything else in the world right then. One half of my mind told me I was just overreacting, that it was just a coincidence; the other half told me to trust my instincts and see what was going on. I ran across town, first to the town hall, where he most likely would have been if he'd been working. But it was empty as Cherry's seat at the concert. So I ran to his house, but all the lights were off. I feel a little rude about it now, but it seemed right in the moment to climb over his fence and peek into his windows. When it was finally plain to me that nobody was home, I went to Cherry's house. The lights were on and smoke poured from the chimney. I climbed that fence, too. I froze at the window, in part because I was out of breath and in part because I was afraid of what I might find. What was I expecting to find, exactly? Well, my expectations turned out to be exactly what I saw.

Cherry and the mayor, in one another's arms, kissing passionately.

I froze again. And I watched. I watched because I couldn't believe what I saw. I watched because I hoped the scene would disappear. And I watched because I was absolutely heartbroken.

So you can imagine how I was feeling when I got to the office the next morning. There just wasn't any spring in my step like there usually was. Any happy expectations for the day had vanished. I had been up most of the night, crying alone in the dark, and around my eyes had gotten dried out from it. I forced myself to enter the office. There he was, in his seat. I took a deep breath.

"Honey," I began. "We need to talk."

His eyes were locked on his paperwork. "There's a lot to do today," he said. "Is there any chance it might could wait?"

I pulled up a chair to his desk. My legs swung back and forth, something they do when I'm nervous. "I'm sorry, I'm afraid it can't."

He finally looked at me. "Alright then, although I do hope it doesn't take too long. What's on your mind?"

My eyes turned to my lap. " know how I value open and honest communication, especially with the people I care about most."


"And you know I love and respect you more than anyone, don't you?"

"Of course!"

"And so that's why I want to talk about this, because I love you. But I’m angry with you.”

He leaned back in his seat expectantly. I searched for words, but couldn't seem to find anything but a few stammers. He reached over the desk, putting his hand on my paw, which I promptly pulled away.

"I'm sorry. I guess I'm going to have to be blunt. I saw what you were doing last night...with Cherry."

He shifted uncomfortably. "Oh."

A moment of silence passed.

"Don't you have anything to say?" I asked.

"Well, there's nothing I can say to make it better, is there? You're here to break up with me, aren't you?"

"Well...not exactly. I want to see if we can sort things out first. For starters, can I ask why you did it? Did I do something wrong?"

"I'm always pressured with work, Isabelle. I'm always working. And you've always been working with me. At first, I thought that was great. But somehow you're just not as...well, special anymore. I've realized I want someone I can enjoy coming home to, not someone I have to see all day every day.”

"You should have told me sooner," I said with a sigh. "I could have just quit."

"Would you have, though?"

"Of course."

He shook his head. "Let's face it, Isabelle. You're a workaholic just like I am. And I'm not going to bother trying to change you into someone else when I could just have what I really want."

I could feel a sob building in my throat, and tears building in my eyes. "So there's—there's nothing I can do...?" I whispered.

More silence.

I stood up. I turned. I walked out, slowly, and in that duration, he chose not to say a word. He was silently breaking up with me. I understood then why he hadn’t broken up with me before, and that was because he was too afraid to. I blamed myself at the time, feeling like I should have been easier to talk to. Like I was too, well...overbearing, I guess. But looking back, I had done the best I could. Maybe the problem was that he hadn’t been doing his. Anyway, I went home, and I packed my things. I called up Mr. Nook and told him I'd accept his job offer. And the very next morning, my resignation note was on the mayor's desk. I'd resigned from my job...I'd resigned from that town...and I'd resigned from us. And I never looked back.

Scene Divider

"Oh, goodness," Sable breathed, her paw over her gaping mouth. "You poor thing...."

Mabel, who had been sitting cross-legged on the floor to listen, was wide-eyed. "Well gosh, I wouldn't have expected something like that to happen to someone like you."

Isabelle wiped a tear from her eye. "I know there's really nothing guaranteeing anything like that will happen again...but I'm scared, and I can't help that. I just don't want to go through it again."

Sable laid a comforting paw on her shoulder. "It's no wonder you're upset. Of course you would be."

"What do you think I should do...?I wanted to ask Raymond to go to the festival with me, but he seems more interested in Cherry.”

Sable stared at the floor and shook her head. "Well, there's not much you can do, I'm afraid. You can't control what others do, even when they hurt you, which is unfortunate. But that can be a good thing, too. It means nobody else can control you, either. You chose not to stay with somebody who hurt you, and you can also choose whether or not you think the risk is worth taking again. The choice to extend your trust and risk being hurt, or the choice to withhold your trust and risk missing out on something you want. It's completely up to you."

Isabelle thought for a moment. "I suppose Raymond has a choice too, then."

Sable nodded. "As a wise man once said, 'If you love someone, set them free...,'" just then, Tom Nook came into the shop, browsing the picnic blankets. She smiled warmly. "'—and if they come back, they're yours; if they don't, they never were.'"

Isabelle left the shop in better spirits. Today was the last day before the festival—it had to be today that she asked him, even if she was scared. And she was going to whether Cherry liked it or not. If he said no, it was better than never knowing what he would have said; and if he said yes, well, that would be even better. It was his choice to make, and she was going to give it to him. She stopped at the edge of the plaza and drew in a deep breath. There he was, still with Cherry. After a minute or two, he caught sight of Isabelle staring at him.

"Can I help you, crisp...?"

"O-oh! Um...yes, hold on."

"Now I see why you wanted me to come see your kimono yesterday," he remarked as she walked over.

Cherry whistled. "Man, I gotta get me one of those."

"Oh, um, why thank you! I, u-um...just had it fitted, and I guess I forgot to take it off. Anyway, Raymond, could I talk to you for a moment?"

"Certainly, crisp."

"I get a turn with ya afterward, 'kay?" Cherry called after Isabelle through cupped paws.

She lead Raymond to a tree, far out of Cherry's earshot. A soft pink petal blew onto her nose. She reached to pluck it off, but found herself grabbing Raymond's paw instead, who had also reached for it. Instantly her paw flashed back down, and she turned her head away to hide her blush. Was Raymond blushing, as well? She couldn't see him. A moment of silence passed.

"Spring is such a lovely season, huh, crisp?" he commented.

She nodded. "It really is."

More painstaking silence.

She took a deep breath. "Speaking of spring—or rather, well, speaking of cherry blossoms—I mean, I guess we haven't actually talked about those, but—okay, let's talk about cherry blossoms."

He chuckled. "They are quite beautiful. They'll really set the perfect atmosphere for the festival tomorrow. You've been doing such a great job putting it together, I must say. I only wish I could have helped out a bit."

Isabelle hung her head. "But I'm just too overbearing, I guess...."

"Oh, you overheard that...? Well, my apologies, crisp. It was more of an observation than something intended to hurt your feelings. Nobody's perfect, myself included. I certainly don't expect anyone to be, anyway."

"So you don't mind...?"

"No, I...don't mind."

The minutes dragged on.

"Would you—" they both said in unison.

"You first."

"Well...." Isabelle brushed away another petal from her face. "Would you, to celebrate the festival together tomorrow? You know, a date."

Raymond sighed, relieved. "Oh, good. I thought for certain you were going to ask me to have a rap battle. Certainly, that would be delightful."

Delightful? Delightful!

"Hey, what's the holdup?" Cherry called from a distance. "I ain't gettin' any younger over here!"

Isabelle glanced between her and Raymond a few times.

"Go on," he said.

"You're not already going with Cherry, are you?" she blurted.

He laughed, much harder than necessary in Isabelle's opinion. "Goodness, no! She's not exactly my speed."

"What-what's takin' you guys so long?" Cherry called again.

Isabelle sprinted toward Cherry, calling back over her shoulder, "See you tomorrow!"

Then Cherry dragged her behind Resident Services and sat her down on a bench.

"Alright. So I know I already kinda asked you this, but I guess since I didn’t put a question mark at the end, it wasn’t good enough for ya. So I’m gonna try again." She stopped to take a breath. "Why did you leave that day? Why didn't you tell, like, anybody?"

"You ought to know."

She crossed her arms. "Just humor me."

Isabelle puffed out her chest. "I saw what you and the mayor were up to, you know. I wondered why you weren't at that concert, so I did a little snooping, and I saw you two kissing. There, I said it."

"So ya up and hauled tail? That's kinda a weird reaction...."

"Mr. Nook just happened to have a job for me. I just happened to take it."

"Ah, right. The Deserted Island-thingy. Guess that makes a little more sense."

"Yes. Anyway, Ididn’t have anything left to say, not to you or anyone else."

“And just what-what do I have to do with—ohhh man, now I get it. You thought I knew he was cheatin’ on you, didn’t ya?”

“You’re saying you didn’t...?”

"No! Man, that guy told me he was single!"

Isabelle's mouth dropped open. "He—he—he—"

"Yup. And I believed him, too, right up until Winnie burst up into his office all like, 'Where's yo GF, man? Yo GF totes flew the coop! Can’t find yo GF nowhere!' Wasn't long after that I left, too. Not for any sappy reason, though. I'm just kinda a traveler, so I guess we probably wouldn't have worked out anyway. Those business-y, political types always just wanna stay in one place, y'know?"

Against her better judgment, Isabelle asked, "You're not interested in Raymond, then?"

"I mean, he's cute, but you can have ‘im."

Isabelle pumped her fist. "Yes!" she hissed. "Wait, hold on a second. How did you not know about our relationship? Everyone was constantly gossiping about us.”

"Eh, I just don't really keep up with that kinda stuff. Gotta worry about yourself, not what celebrities are up to.”

“And why’d you stop flirting with him? You know, even though you were dating?”

“Oh yeah, that. He said he thought it'd make him look unprofessional or somethin', so I should only do it in private. Real snoot, that guy."

"I thought he was marvelous. The way he'd take charge, the way he was always taking care of everybody...." She sighed dreamily.

Cherry rolled her eyes. "Uh-huh. Yeah, he was also a total two-timer. Real dreamboat right there."

"Right. That, too...."

"Well, anyhow, I guess I see why you've been so ticked at me. I'd be mad too, if someone thought they could go lovin' up all over my partner."

"Still, in the end, I didn't have any real reason to treat you that way."

"Eh, it's alright. We good now?"

Isabelle eyed Cherry's paw, which she had extended to shake. Somehow she didn't seem so bad, not now that Isabelle realized she hadn't meant to hurt anyone. In fact, maybe they could be friends.

She accepted the shake and grinned her buck-toothed grin. "We're good."

Isabelle is hard at work planning the Cherry Blossom Festival in high hopes of impressing her dear Raymond. But when Goldie's sister visits for the occasion, past rivalries are rekindled. Will this festival be a success, or will Isabelle's hopes be blown away like a blossom on the wind?

A piece of fanfiction based on Animal Crossing: New Horizons. I am not affiliated with Nintendo. Please don't sue me.

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CashmereRaccoon's avatar

I haven't even been active lately, I had no idea so many views had popped up on this! Definitely wasn't expecting a DD either! Thanks so much to everyone, this really made my day!

Daisy thank you