Boybites on DeviantArt

Deviation Actions

Boybites's avatar

Adopt 413 [CLOSED]



Flat Price $75 USD (Paypal Only!)

Commercial Use: +50% of base price added ($112 USD for this design.)

[Commercial Use may be bought at any time.]

Comment to claim, I will tell you to send me your paypal email via note and send you the invoice with the unwatermarked/unfiltered image within the invoice itself!

Once Owned You May:

-Changes the colors/design as you see fit

-Change the physical characteristics/species/gender to your liking.

Pinglist: Please let me know if you want to be added to the pinglist!
















Art© @Boybites

Design© @Boybites

Image size
2000x2000px 1.07 MB
© 2024 Boybites
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00Milkteaqueen00's avatar

hello can I get pinged for thr next adopt ^^