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Undead Priest



Personal illustration inspired by this article and other similar events in which children are being molested, tortured and killed around the Earth.

I can't stop asking myself, where's the church when all these atrocities happen? (Catholic, Muslim, Orthodox it doesn't matter!!!)
Where is The Vatican when thousands of children are being killed daily in Syria and other parts of the Earth? Why don't they send their fat ass preachers to talk to world leaders about what's going on around us? They have the money and the power to stop world hunger tomorrow if they'd like to. What is the church's role on this planet, beside baptizing, burying people and brainwashing them in between? Ohh I know,... they are selling the placebo pill of salvation and immortality!
SPOILER ALERT!!!! God is dead!!! Hell is already on Earth! Some people are creating it, while many are turning a blind eye! But a lot of kids are born in it everyday! 

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I love his cross/crosier :D