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Fire wizard



New commission I did for a Dnd enthusiast. 

He is a noble elf who specializes on fire magic, even to the point of being a bit of a pyromaniac.

He had a wife and a daughter, and generally lived a happy life. However, tragedy struck him: his town was attacked by monsters and his daughter was lost. In the attack not only did he lost his daughter, but he also suffered severe wounds: an acid beast splashed acid over his face, and thus he has half his face deeply scarred. His wife survived, and she helped him search for his daughter for many years. However, due to the tragic loss, his severe wound and scars, and the despair of never finding his daughter, he slowly lost his sanity, until he reached the point where he is holding all the world responsible for his loss and literally wants to burn it all. 
Image size
2587x3354px 10.26 MB
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