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Search for Paradise

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Copy and pasted from Instagram

A Wolf's rain fanart I just finished, I started re-watching the anime the other day and was inspired lol. It's a redraw of an artwork from maybe 2015/16?? Or around that time anyway ( swipe to last pic to see my old drawing). Wolf's rain is one of the few anime I actually enjoy

On another note, this is really more sketchy and unrefined but do you guys like sketches and stuff too?? I have more of that stuff posted on my Instagram if anyone's interested but I can post here too if people want

Andrearamirez_art is my Instagram

For the original version look here
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4446x2126px 12.73 MB
© 2019 - 2024 Andiliion
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Savuti's avatar

This was my favorite anime back in the day.