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Alayna's avatar

Fortified Monastery of the Dragon



For L5R's Twenty Festivals, Ivory Edition 2's Dragon Stronghold

This one I think shows my progress the most, but it's also a haunting picture for me.  I was very behind on the deadline for this (Adrian Burton, the L5R art director, is a saint for putting up with me)- and then the file corrupted when I was about 90% done with it- on my birthday.  So I lost about 10 hours of work that I had to redo on my birthday this year.  It was fun, haha.

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© 2014 - 2024 Alayna
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al-vamp's avatar

Thank you for your work on your birthday ! Despite the difficult time you had, it is really beautiful. I'm looking forward to show it to my players during a session of L5R 😁