Give PC Mortal Kombat X a Chance!

Give PC Mortal Kombat X a Chance!

January 19, 2016
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Petition Closed
This petition had 11,731 supporters

Why this petition matters

Started by N A

Since the trailer for Kombat Pack 2, the Steam/PC logo for Mortal Kombat X has been left out of every single trailer, suspecting that they NetherRealm Studios will disown the PC port for the game. A few updates later, NetherRealm Studios announced the Enhanced Online beta through an announcement on Twitter. Seems like they decided to leave PC out of the Beta, increasing the suspicion of them neglecting the PC port in the future, and decreasing the chance of the PC Kommunity ever recieving future gameplay patches and upcoming DLC characters, Kombat Pack 2 specifically.

The purpose of this petition is to raise awareness to NetherRealm Studios and Warner Bros. about what they are doing to the Kommunity. The decision to not release future content on Mortal Kombat X PC will definitely cause and outrage within the Kommunity. To leave out a part of the Kommunity is definitely a questionable decision by them, so NetherRealm Studios/Warner Bros...

Give PC Mortal Kombat X a chance!

Petition Closed

This petition had 11,731 supporters

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