by Dantom | Dec 8 2000
Tags: beginner, source
A simple project to get you started.
by Forum_account | May 23 2012
Tags: framework, rpg
A framework for developing action RPGs.
by Deadron | May 3 2001
Tags: beginner, source
A complete little game with lots of comments explaining exactly how everything works. A great starting point for your ...
by Forum_account | Dec 13 2010
Tags: movement
A pixel movement library for isometric and top-down maps.
by Falacy | Aug 17 2012
Tags: icons, utility
Easily import sprite sheets into BYOND .dmi icon files
by Kidpaddle45 | Jun 10 2013
Drag & Drop instead of code.
by Forum_account | Nov 2 2010
This library gives you the basic movement system of a platformer. You can make an action/platform game in minutes!
by MechaCloud | Jun 16 2013
Tags: icons
A random bunch of free icons I've released from my unfinished projects.
by Deadron | Jun 1 2001
Creating, saving, and loading player characters.
by Foomer | Mar 1 2004
Tags: savefiles
Lets you edit any generic savefiles for BYOND programs.
by Lummox JR | Oct 22 2002
Load, save, and reuse temporary maps for unlimited worlds
by Fastflyer | Feb 24 2010
Tags: savefiles
An Easy To Use Savefile Editor
by Spunky_Girl | Mar 23 2011
Tags: beginner, demo
Need a baseline source to build off of to create your own game? Try this one!
Learn how to make HUDs from the team who made them popular on BYOND!
by Flick | Aug 5 2006
Tags: screen-text
Displays damage taken above a player or enemies head.
by YMIHere | Jun 25 2004
Tags: icons
Free turf, obj, and mob icons.
by A2J2TIWARI | Feb 10 2013
Tags: art, icons
Looking for high quality art resources? Use A2J2TIWARI's Icon Pack!
by Forum_account | Oct 10 2011
Tags: maps
An easy way to create multiple instances of a map. Each instance is put on its own z level.
by Forum_account | Jun 27 2010
Tags: ai
A sequence of examples that start with simple enemy AI and introduce new features one at a time.
by Forum_account | Feb 11 2012
Tags: icons, maps
Automatically generates edge icons for turfs and places them on the map.

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The map editor journey is far from over; let's make it better together.
The latest from BYOND Devs: Over half-a-year edition!
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Recent Posts

by 8O | Jun 18
An orthographic 3D rendering engine built in BYOND.
by Ter13 | Jun 10
AutotileLib has been fully rewritten. This new version takes advantage of advances in the engine to provide more …
Bringing NPC alive with AI chat!