Solar Technicians Installing Solar Panels

Our Green Milestones

Pioneering Green Office

In 2011, we moved into a new headquarters equipped with a cutting-edge climate control system. This system earned us an A++ energy label, reflecting our forward-thinking approach to environmental responsibility.

Hardware Efficiency

Recognizing the environmental impact of physical servers, we transitioned to the cloud in 2017. This shift allows us to dynamically scale our server usage based on real-time needs, significantly reducing energy consumption.

The Below Zero Task Force

Understanding the urgency of climate action, we established the Below Zero Task Force in 2022. This dedicated team focuses on achieving net-zero emissions for Blue Billywig, a crucial step towards a sustainable future.

Conscious Carbon Tracking

In 2023, we introduced a travel expense system that monitors carbon emissions, enabling us to make informed choices and reduce travel emissions. We also took steps such as reducing office lighting by 50% and using smart plugs for appliances.

Responsible IT Disposal

Blue Billywig has a long-standing commitment to responsible IT disposal. We’ve auctioned off used hardware like laptops and mobile phones, with the proceeds donated to environmental projects such as forest restoration initiatives.

Electric Cars Charging on Stations

Electric Vehicles and Green Transportation  

In 2019, we introduced our first electric car, demonstrating our commitment to sustainable transportation. This initiative was further solidified in 2020 with the implementation of an “Electric Only” lease policy, allowing employees only to choose eco-friendly vehicles.

Optimizing Our Products

In 2022, we redesigned our video player, resulting in a lighter, faster program that requires less data transfer. This translates to reduced energy consumption of up to 60% during playback. All new features are now planned with a consideration for the environmental impact and how we can minimize and/or offset this.

White Windmill

Looking Ahead

Our Continued Commitment and Sustainability Goals

Our journey towards sustainability is a continuous process. We acknowledge there’s always more we can do to minimize our environmental impact. We’re committed to achieving net-zero emissions for our Scope 1 and 2 emissions (those directly generated by our operations and purchased energy) through a combination of reduction strategies and high-quality offsets by 2025.

For Scope 3 emissions (indirect emissions from our entire value chain), we rely heavily on the ambitious sustainability goals of our cloud partner, Amazon Web Services (AWS). Learn more about AWS’s Sustainability targets here.

By prioritizing sustainability in every aspect of our business, we aim to leave a positive footprint on the world for the generations to come.