Law Enforcement Data Request Statement

As of November 21, 2022

Bloomberg will not disclose client data (which may include personal information, together “client data”) in response to third party requests from law enforcement, governmental, or regulatory agencies except where required to do so by law (for example, in response to valid and properly-served legal process such as a subpoena or search warrant). Bloomberg reviews the legality of all such requests prior to responding to ensure they are valid and that Bloomberg is legally obligated to comply. Bloomberg challenges requests, including, where necessary, through court challenges and exercise of available appellate rights, if, after careful assessment, Bloomberg concludes that the request exceeds the relevant agency’s authority or is otherwise unlawful. When challenging requests, Bloomberg seeks interim measures with a view to suspending the effects of the request until competent judicial authority has ruled on its merits.

Bloomberg will notify its client about any legally binding request prior to disclosing client data in response to that request, and will notify its client if Bloomberg becomes aware of any direct access by public authorities to client data, unless: (1) Bloomberg is prohibited by applicable law from doing so, or

(2) there are clear indications of unlawful conduct in connection with the client’s use of Bloomberg services.

If Bloomberg responds to a request for disclosure, Bloomberg will attempt to provide the minimum amount of information permissible, based on a reasonable interpretation of the request.

Notwithstanding any of the foregoing, Bloomberg reserves the right to respond to urgent law enforcement requests if Bloomberg believes in good faith that an emergency involving imminent danger of death or serious physical injury justifies such disclosure.


Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this statement for?

Any law enforcement, governmental or regulatory agency (“Requesting Agency”) making a request to Bloomberg Finance L.P., its operating agent Bloomberg L.P., or any affiliate (collectively, “Bloomberg”) for access to or disclosure of client and user data that Bloomberg holds.

Are Requesting Agencies required to follow all applicable legal process rules prior to Bloomberg responding to a request to produce client data?

Yes. Bloomberg encourages Requesting Agencies to review our product and service descriptions before preparing legal process seeking client data held by Bloomberg in connection with its provision of the specified product/service and/or in internal systems.

Does Bloomberg provide Requesting Agencies with direct access to its data?

No, Bloomberg does not allow any Requesting Agencies direct access to Bloomberg’s servers and will not create a backdoor or master key to any of our products or services for such purpose. Bloomberg also does not provide any Requesting Agency with Bloomberg’s encryption keys or the ability to break our encryption.