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Good part of the series

5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
4 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 06-14-24

Don’t start with this novel, though. As a stand alone, I think it’s the weakest. As part of the arc that begins with the Clocktaur books, it’s an excellent book that leaves me wanting to know more.

The reason I find this the weakest stand alone is the romance facet. Tbh, I wish the author felt able to just leave that aspect out. The romantic leads and their relationship just feels implausible. The sexual tension between them feels implausible. The HEA feels extremely implausible.

But the advancement of the plot, and the espionage, are exciting. The teasers that say we might find out how the Saint of Steel died, that there’s more to learn about the motivation and fate of Wisdom, and Judith, and what Stephen’s role as a paladin is going to be… those all have me eagerly awaiting the next book!

I love this world that T. Kingfisher has created. From the Bishop of the White Rat, to the Dreaming God, the Clocktaurs, the desolate Paladins, and the gnolls, every aspect is wonderful.

I highly recommend the series.

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5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 06-06-24

Good, and emotionally intense.

There are multiple references to sexual violence throughout. There aren’t any graphic descriptions, but it might be upsetting for readers who are sensitive about that type of subject matter.

The mystery is a twisty one, as expected from this author. While I did have the villain(s) on my radar, there wasn’t any way to know for sure until the end.

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Chilling and beautiful stories

5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 05-24-24

It’s hard for me to choose a favorite from this new collection. It’s excellently written, and superbly narrated.

I could choose ‘Rattlesnakes’ for the power of its writing, creepy imagery (and superbly creepy narration!) This story, ‘The Dreamers,’ ‘Willie the Weirdo,’ (which reminds me very strongly of ‘Grandma’) and ‘On Slide Inn Road’ are the ones I’d say are more “pure” horror, in the tradition of the genre.

‘Two Talented Bastids’, the opening story, is also a strong contender. Not for its science fictiony plot device, but for its examination of deep friendships between men, and the relationships between men and their sons. It also highlights the type of kindness, as well as courage, that can be nurtured in those relationships. It’s a great story, and it gave me some chills on the way.

I think my overall favorite is ‘The Answer Man’ because it’s beautifully crafted, and because it serves up an answer to many of the questions Stephen King has spent his life asking through his fiction.

It’s always interesting to me when a writer wrestles with an idea in multiple ways. Stories in this collection either directly connect to, or remind me of themes in, “Tommyknockers,” “The Dead Zone,” “Cujo,” “Duma Key,” “Hearts in Atlantis,” “Dreamcatcher,” and stories from “Everything’s Eventual,” and “Just After Sunset.”

Some critics have claimed that “the pacing is uneven.” I’m not sure how one manages a collection of 12 disparate stories, each written with their own rhythm, without that being true. If it’s a concern, perhaps read each story one at a time.

Overall, this is a wonderful collection of mostly new, unpublished stories from a lifetime writer who, much to my pleasure, is still wrestling with questions about fate, what it is to be both human and humane, aging, childhood, marriage, and what might live beyond the veils of our reality.

As for the audiobook, it’s performed by both Stephen King and Will Patton. Patton’s narration is as excellent here as it was in “The Outsider.” He is a highly gifted narrator.

King isn’t the narrator that Patton is, but it’s always good to hear his familiar voice regardless. I’m glad this collection includes some of his narration.

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Too silly to deal with!

3 out of 5 stars
4 out of 5 stars
2 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 05-13-24

I just can’t with this one. Can’t suspend my disbelief, can’t stop giggling at the “stallion” references, and above all, can’t stop thinking that that’s the worst version of a Scot’s accent I’ve ever heard. It’s like a vaudeville stage Irish accent, but worse.

The whole thing is just too silly for me to find enjoyable. I see others have enjoyed it, and I’m truly happy for them. This is just a warning to those who, like me, don’t enjoy treacle.

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If gore is your thing…

3 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
2 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 05-13-24

Then you’ll enjoy this. Excellent narration, lots of gore, macabre images, and post-apocalyptic horror.

Myself, I’ll just hope to die early in the apocalypse if this is what survivors have to deal with in the aftermath. I don’t think this series is for me. The gore seems gratuitously over the top, and there’s nothing particularly likable about the main character, beyond the fact that he’s still human.

There’s nothing character-driven here, nor much to relate to except surviving horror… presumably to face more horrors tomorrow.

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Excellent mystery novella

5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 05-13-24

This is a hard length for a mystery of this type. All the clues need to be there, but there’s not much room for red herrings. Gregg Olsen balanced it well.

Lots of character backstory in a small package, with a fully developed cold case, and a satisfying ending. Well done!

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5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 05-13-24

I love this author, and I love what he can find creepiness in. Creepy prairie dogs would never have occurred to me - but it will for the rest of my life after this! (Thanks, SGJ!)

I also love the way the author’s cultural heritage - he’s Blackfeet - informs the background of many of his stories, including this one. He also has a talent for writing women convincingly.

Once again, a creepy, surprising, heart tugging story from one of our best living writers of horror and weirdness.

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5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 05-12-24

Finally, the story of Pygmalian and Galatea that shows Pygmalian as the creep he is, and gives Galatea her power.

This is a palate cleanser after a lifetime of Ovid, My Fair Lady, and other retellings that celebrate the misogyny inherent in the original legend.

I love Madeline Miller as I do Adrienne Rich, Naomi Novik, and all of the other authors who dive into the ancient legends and find the whole women, vivid and still living, within them.

This is a wonderful story.

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Love it!

5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 04-27-24

I’ve loved Alison Bechtal’s iconic comic strip for years. It was delightful to have it brought to life as an audiobook! The tongue-in-cheek humor and sly wit translated well from page to audio.

The acting was great; this is a talented cast, well chosen for the parts they’re playing.

I really enjoyed it!

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Excellent with a great ending

5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 04-24-24

One of the best police procedurals or British crime novels I’ve read in a very long time.

The characters are solid. Yes, we have the police detective wounded by her past, who doesn’t play by the rules - which has become cliche. But the characterization is handled so deftly that it feels fresh. Also, this wounded detective is more compassionate than she lets on; she’s actually deeply kind.

The multiple twists and turns of the mystery are hard to predict, but plausible in hindsight. I predicted one twist, but didn’t see the next one coming.

The narration is good. It could be better - I’d like to hear more local accent. But each character has a unique voice, and it’s easy to tell who’s speaking.

I’m looking forward to more of this series.

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