You should be listening to these Spotify podcasts

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Spotify is one of the biggest streaming services in the world, and that’s not only because of its music. The platform is home to thousands upon thousands of podcasts that people can tune into and subscribe to. If you’re an avid Spotify listener, then you will definitely want to know what are some of the best podcasts you can find on the platform.

That’s easier said than done because, as stated, there are thousands upon thousands of podcasts. How do you narrow it down? Well, that is what this article is all about. This is a list of some of the best podcasts that you can listen to on Spotify.

We will go through several categories of podcasts like music, stories, true crime, video games, comedy, and so on. This way, you’ll have your pick of different genres of podcasts to help you either narrow down your search or discover something completely new.

Also, this list will be updated every now and then, so feel free to check back for new entries to be added. You never know if your next favorite podcast is right around the corner. So, you can check back on this article every month.

Best DnD Podcast


Not Another DnD Podcast

Just about anything can be made into a podcast, and that’s the beauty of it. It didn’t take long for people to realize that D&D can be a great fit for a podcast. The thing about DND is that it’s heavily driven by imagination. Well, plugging in a pair of headphones and listening to all the voices and the action is not much different from being there at the table. So, this is why it’s great that there are a ton of D&D podcasts on Spotify. Here’s a podcast for people who like fantasy and funny characters.

Do you like DnD, comedy, and former CollegeHumor employees? Well, then Not Another DnD Podcast (NADnD Pod) is the right one for you. This is a long-running DnD podcast led by former CollegeHumor writers Brian Murphy (DM), Emily Axford, Caldwell Tanner, and Jake Hurwitz. In this podcast, well, they play DnD.

The setting where the campaigns take place is an interesting one. The tagline of the podcast is “Welcome to the campaign after the campaign”. Basically, our characters’ story begins long after a massive heroic battle took place (this battle is what a typical DnD campaign would involve). So, the characters are making a living in a world that happened as a result of this battle. Throughout the game, the players encounter several war-torn locations that were heavily impacted by the battle.

Along with being action-packed and story-driven, it’s absolutely side-splitting. NADnD Pod is a hilarious podcast, which should come as no shock; it’s led by four comedians. So, they all have extremely wacky characters whose personalities add greatly to a comedic narrative. They are not only memorable, but they find themselves in numerous hilarious situations. If you like DnD and you like to laugh, then you should give this podcast a listen.

Not Another DnD Podcast

Best True Crime Podcast

Black Girl Gone title

Black Girl Gone

Don’t feel bad, many people are into the macabre and the dark side of the human psyche. So, this is why true crime podcasts are a popular format. They dive into egregious crimes that have happened to different individuals. The hosts talk about the history of the crime, the people involved, and the aftermath. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but there are definitely some really nice true crime podcasts out there. Here’s a true crime podcast that has a special twist.

When it comes to true crime cases, not every case gets the attention it deserves. This is especially true for cases involving women of color. A lot of their missing and murder cases go overlooked. This is where Black Girl Gone comes in. It’s a podcast that centers on true crime cases involving black women. Black Girl Gone is designed to bring light to these stories and educate people on them. Many cases don’t get the attention that they deserve, and this does upset many folks.

The podcast is narrated by Cloud10. It’s not like a standard podcast where the hosts all talk about the cases. In this case, Cloud10 reads a detailed summary of the case, narrating it like a story. She goes through the important details of the case from start to finish. It’s a great podcast to listen to if you’re interested in cases that don’t get much press. It’s a way of giving these women the attention they deserve.

The episodes aren’t long at all. They’re typically between 20 and 40 minutes long, so each episode is about as long as an episode of a true crime show. You’ll have the benefit of plugging it in and listening to it while your hands are full.

Black Girl Gone

Best TV Podcast

S1E1 title


TV shows aren’t only enjoyable themselves. Sometimes, we can get a lot of enjoyment just by talking about them. There’s a lot that goes on about a TV show that we don’t see on the screen. So, there are several podcasts out there that focus on giving you a behind-the-scenes look at some of your favorite shows. Here’s a great podcast for all of you sitcom lovers.

This podcast is called S1E1, and it has a really interesting hook to it. It is a podcast that focuses on many of our favorite sitcoms from back in the day and modern times. They are either our classic laugh track sitcoms or not. The host of the podcast will go through a detailed synopsis of the first episode of that sitcom. He goes through every relevant action and line in the episode so that the listeners get a pretty good feel for what happens in it.

At the end of the episode, the co-hosts will decide if, based purely on the first episode, they’d green-light the show if it was up to them. They don’t go into the quality of the entire series, they’d just go by the first episode. That’s an interesting idea, and it’s one that keeps you invested until the end. Imagine listening to an episode about one of your favorite sitcoms and waiting until the end to see if they’d green-light it.

One of the things that makes S1E1 stand out is the rapport between the hosts. It has a board of five hosts who were actually all best friends growing up. They all went to the same school and grew up in the same town. So, there is a fantastic chemistry between all five of the co-hosts.

So far, there are a bunch of episodes out, so chances are that they’ve covered a sitcom that you’ve seen.


Best Music Podcast

Suddenly Title

SUDDENLY: a Frank Sinatra Podcast

We are all used to listening to music on Spotify so the idea of a music podcast is interesting. They often dive into the lives of our favorite music artists and reveal truths about them that we did not know about. So, music podcasts are pretty popular on Spotify.

The tagline for this podcast invokes instant interest. It’s a podcast that looks at Frank Sinatra- his music, movies, and career- from a queer and trans perspective. It’s a very interesting concept to think about. Most people only think about his music from the perspective of a music fan, but there’s a lot under the surface.

In each episode, our co-hosts, two transgender individuals, talk about specific works involving Frank Sinatra. They delve into the history, context, and cultural impact of each work and how they can be viewed by modern-day queer folks. It’s truly a treat, especially if you’re a Frank Sinatra fan. It’s like looking at his work through a different lens.

Looking back at the music of Frank Sinatra, it’ll be a bit tough to think about him through a modern lens. His music was very popular during an age when things were extremely different in American culture. However, this is the type of podcast that can really open someone’s eyes to how a person’s work and art can influence people in today’s day and age. It’s not a critical podcast that criticizes Frank Sinatra or tries to shine a harsh light on him. It’s simply a podcast that is there to educate folks on how this popular icon can be viewed by many types of individuals.

While this podcast has a strong focus on people who are transgender, it’s a podcast that can be enjoyed by people of all sorts. It’s very informative, and entertaining. The two co-hosts have a nice chemistry, so it’s a podcast that everyone can listen to.

SUDDENLY: a Frank Sinatra Podcast

Best Financial Podcast

Iced Coffee Hour

The Iced Coffee Hour

What are some of the best money-making tips from top influencers? What were some of the financial woes of current wealthy individuals? How did some of your favorite creators get their start? These are just some of the questions that you’ll answer with this podcast.

The Iced Coffee Hour is an interview podcast hosted by Graham Stephan and Jack Selby that has a wide range of guests on. It dives into several aspects of their lives from their careers, finances, successes, failures, etc. They’ll have open and honest conversations about what they went through and what sort of information they have to share.

It’s one of those podcasts that can actually teach you about finances and handling your own career. You’ll hear about the journey that the guests made to get where they are now, and they could have advice for you.

The podcast has had many guests you might not know, and many that you may. For example, there are a few episodes with Tech YouTuber Sara Dietschy, Sal Vulcano from Impractical Jokers, Mr. Beast, and more. It’s a fun and interesting podcast that dives into the lives of some rather important people.

What’s neat about this podcast is that there’s also a video aspect to it. You can watch the full episodes right on Spotify.

The Iced Coffe Hour

Best Comedy Podcast

Headgum podacast

The Headgum Podcast

Some podcasts are very structured, and they conform to a specific format. However, there are certain podcasts that just allow you to sit back, relax, and listen to a bunch of funny people say funny things. These are the kinds of podcasts that many people prefer due to their open nature. Well, here’s a podcast that is as silly and nonsensical as they come.

If you’re looking for a good laugh, then The Headgum Podcast should be on your list. Headgum is a podcast empire started by former CollegeHumor writers Jake Hurwitz and Amir Blumenfeld. There are a ton of podcasts under the company’s name, but this is the main general podcast consisting of a recurring roster of guests.

There’s no shortage of comedic talent on this podcast. The podcast is hosted by Geoffery James, and it brings on comedians from all over the industry. The host and guests all sit, chat, make jokes, tell anecdotes, and just say the funniest things. It’s an excellent podcast to listen to if you’re looking for an easy laugh.

The Headgum podcast is a show where basically everything is thrown at the audience including the kitchen sink. Each episode has a different set of games, segments, Etc. The guests consist of comedians from all around the industry. Along with that, guests also include fellow Headgum employees. So, you know that listening to this show will be quite a riot.

It’s a very relaxed podcast where people basically just hang out, talk, and tell jokes. So, it’s a podcast you can listen to when you’re not in the mood to think. It’s very relaxed, and straightforward. There are already hundreds of episodes out, so you can listen to them and rapid succession if you want.

If you’re interested, you can also check out the company’s YouTube channel. There are video podcasts and original comedy shorts.

The Headgum Podcast

Best Interview Podcast

Armchair Experts

Armchair Expert with Dax Shephard

We typically only see celebrities in their movies or TV shows. However, just like with anything in life, there’s more than meets the eye. Many celebrities go through life-changing events that form them into who they are today. Their struggles and triumphs are not always on display for people to see. Well, here’s a podcast that focuses on the Unseen and unheard battles that celebrities have gone through.

How much do you know about your favorite celebrities or idols? What trials and challenges did they have to overcome to land that Oscar-winning role? Well, here’s a podcast where you can find out. Armchair Expert is a podcast where the host, Dax Shephard, talks with notable figures like celebrities. However, it’s not about their triumphs.

In the episodes, he dives into each of their failures and times when they were at their lowest. In the introduction, the host said “I learn something of value from someone’s story of triumph, but I always learn a lot from people’s failures.” This podcast dives into those dark times in their lives, so you might learn something as well.

Shepherd will interview these figures and really focus on the more challenging aspects of their lives. This is something that could really humanize celebrities. Sometimes, we don’t know what our favorite actor or singer is going through. It could be something as simple as an issue that we ourselves are going through. So, listening to the celebrities and how they got over their challenges could be inspirational.

This is an interview-style podcast, so there will be tons of questions thrown around about the celebrities. It’s a great way to see many different sides of our favorite celebrities.

Armchair Expert with Dax Shephard

Best Story Podcast

CreepsMcpasta Title


A lot of the time, when people want to listen to podcasts they want to listen to conversations between different people. They want to hear different personalities clash and mesh with each other. However, sometimes, we just want to hear a story. Well, this is why there are podcasts out there dedicated to reciting stories. They include any kind of story from any genre. Well, if you’re in the mood for some stories, and you don’t mind being a little spooked, then here is a podcast that’s perfect for you.

You should be familiar with CreepsMcPasta if you listen to Creepypastas being read on YouTube. His YouTube channel boasts over a million subscribers, and he posts content very often. Well, he has a podcast on Spotify where he posts the audio from his videos. So, this is a podcast where you’re hearing CreepsMcPasta read Creepypastas.

In case you don’t know what Creepypastas are, they are internet horror stories that could be about literally any subject. So, if you like ghost stories, monster stories, alien stories, stories about stalkers, Etc., then you’re likely to find the story for you. The sky’s the limit with Creepypastas, and CreepsMcPasta covers a wide range of stories. So, you are more than likely to find the story for you. You’re better off searching for stories that play off of your personal fears.

The stories are all chosen from around the internet, so you will be getting a wide range of styles from different authors. Also, each of the stories is read with creepy music playing in the background. That adds so much to the ambiance and the overall mood. The music changes along with the story to match the mood, so you’re constantly going to feel on edge when listening to these stories.

The creepypastas range in terms of length. Many of them are between 10 and 30 minutes long, but there are some stories that stretch to more than an hour. So, if you want yourself a good scare, then you should definitely look into this podcast.

CreepsMcPasta Radio

Best Video Game Podcast

Sega Guys Podcast title

Sega Guys Podcast

Sometimes, you just want to sit and listen to a conversation about video games. It could be about new games, old games, upcoming games, Etc. If you’re a person who likes these types of conversations, then you should look into listening to a video game podcast. Here’s a great podcast to listen to if you’re interested in the kind of games and products that Sega worked on back in the day.

What are some hidden gems that Sega put out back in the day? How did Sega titles you enjoyed affect other people? What are some Sega games that other people think deserve more attention? Well, this is the podcast to listen to if you want an answer to these questions.

This is a podcast where the two hosts, James and Dan, talk about several different subjects dealing with Sega and its games. The first two episodes are of the hosts talking about which five games from the Sega Dreamcast and the Sega Saturn that they feel were the most innovative for the time period. These are the sort of interesting subjects that they talk about on the podcast.

There are a ton of episodes already available, so you’ll be able to listen to a large backlog of episodes. You never know if you’ll learn something new about Sega.

Sega Guys Podcast

Best Food Podcast

Cooked And Booked Title

Cooked And Booked

Though it may not seem likely, the subjects of food and true crime sometimes intersect. Tempers flare over restaurants, recipes get stolen, people get cheated out of investments, Etc. These sorts of things lead to unspeakable crimes. So, for those of you who are interested in this chaotic crossroads, we have the show Cooked And Booked.

This show was created by Food Network, and it’s hosted by award-winning broadcaster and Food Network show host Sunny Anderson. She brings her unique personality to the podcast along with the notable guests she invites.

Cooked And Booked is a podcast that goes through stories about dramatic events surrounding the topic of food. The events all involve some sort of crime. These crimes include violence, heists, scams, turf wars, Etc. It’s a show centering around the drama that can arise in an unexpected industry. So, if you are a person who’s interested in food and true crime, this is the show for you.

The episodes are a little on the short side with all of them coming in under 40 minutes. Currently, there are 10 episodes available, as the first season recently concluded. So, if you enjoyed the first season, then you will want to keep your ears open for the next season to come out.

Cooked And Booked