Data Erasure Request respects your privacy and intends to remain transparent about any personal data we store about individuals. Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), EU citizens and residents may request deletion of personal data stored on our servers.

The following form will allow you to request deletion of your account and relevant personal and private data. You will be required to authenticate ownership of that address, and may be asked to provide additional identification or information necessary to verify the request.


This will request permanent deletion of your account, and relevant personal or private data stored on,,,,, and other related domains and sites.

Please note that we cannot remove or provide access to data stored on WordPress sites hosted or administered by third parties.

Not all data can be erased, please review the Privacy Policy for details.

This will not erase your support forum activity. Any topics or replies created will remain associated with an anonymized account.

Please Note: Before we can begin processing your request, we’ll require that you verify ownership of the email address. If the email address is associated with an account, we’ll also require you to log in to that account first.