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  1. The thread for unit textures and props, except shields. Shields are another thread. All unit textures will need specular maps. @Sundiata and @balduin can provide more references and commentary. Attached, base textures: kush_female_base.psd kush_male_base.psd Unit Roster Civic Center Kushite Woman Nubian Spearman Barracks Nubian Archer Fastest archer in the game, like the Mayan Plumed Archer in Age of Kings:The Conquerors. Meroitic Pikeman Perhaps make available after researching Sarissa at the Blacksmith. Meroitic Axeman Swordsman class, but attack is half crush damage. Meroitic Spear Cavalry I suggest can switch back and forth from spear to javelin. Temple of Amun (Terra Magna, a special building / in Delenda Est, an upgrade for the standard Temple) Priest of Amun Napatan Temple Guard (khopesh swordsman) Boosted by the Fervor for Amun special tech. Fortress Hero 1 Hero 2 Hero 3 Meroitic Noble Archer (champion unit) Perhaps can switch to firing fire arrows, for a siege attack, same as Maiden Guard in DE. Meroitic Noble Cavalry Lancer (champion unit) Kushite Light War-Elephant Mercenary Camp (Delenda Est) / Tribal Village (Terra Magna; a special buildable structure) Nuba Clubman Nuba Hunter (skirmisher) Gives them access to a skirmisher unit. Blemmye Mercenary Camel Lancer Blemmye Mercenary Camel Archer General Looks for Units Basic Citizen-Soldiers: Bare chested. No armor. No sandals. Bare headed. Simple loin cloths and cumberbuns. Advanced Citizen-Soldiers: Bare chested. Strappy leather corselet across stomach for armor. No sandals. Decorative animal skins for loincloths. Decorative cumberbuns and straps. No helmet for lighter units, basic helmet for heavier units. Bronze bracelets and arm bands. Elite Citizen-Soldiers: Linen/cotton Meroitic tunic for chest/shoulders or padded linen/cotton armor for "heavier" units. Meroitic sandals for the feet. Decorative cumberbuns and straps. Basic helmet. Additional bronze bracelets and arm bands. Champions: Scale or padded armor. Meroitic sandals for the feet. What else? Heroes: Crown with snake heads. Colorful tunics and gowns. Lots of jewelry and golden/bronze bracelets, anklets, etc. Colorful gorgets. Nubian Units, specifically the Archer and Spearman: Units with this hairstyle ("Nubians") are the ones that get (ostrich) feathers. Either 1 feather (Basic Rank) , 2 feathers (Advanced Rank), or 3 feathers Elite Rank).
  2. \gui\session\ sprites.xml session.xml \gui\session\minimap\ MiniMap.xml \art\textures\ui\session\
  3. I mean for modding and the game itself dark color marble. darkmarble.psd
  4. Today i was making the celtic unit props update, so when we talk about the spears i realized that everything is getting updated but the Weapons texture is still outdate and very low resolution wich make some weapons like swords like rubber toys so here are a few testing (Specially the bloodie weapons). Wildfire Art department: @LordGood @stanislas69 @wackyserious First textures were baked following the prop.weap.dds uv but i will change that to a better space usage and less repeated staffs or blades (Maybe include Aged weapons) Here the testings on celt sword: Comparisson with the spartan sword: Maybe with this merge the gladius posted in 2017. Spear test: A little preview of 2k textures because i don't want to burn my pc yet. Probably new uv usage: Right side: Poles Middle: Swords Handles Or ornamentations (Specially if possible the gladius weapon handle) Left Side: Blades (Rusted, Blood Half, Bloodie, Iron, Gold?) @wowgetoffyourcellphone any weapon/blade/shape you have in mind before filling the space ?
  5. I started work on an assyrian auxillary infantryman. Now I just need to see how to get it in the game. Here it goes!
  6. Hi everyone, I just wondered: Are there features planned for importing terrain textures generated by programs like World Machine, Geosculpt etc.? Regards, Niektb
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