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  1. I made the head like the one's i posted before from scratch using as reference the other head, but made it with less polygons also i adapted the uv's to match the actual head textures, but it stills need eyes textures. and the hair/beard could be made apart for make it look more realistic. @stanislas69 @wackyserious
  2. I've successfully made some props in blender and exported to 0ad but I'm running into trouble with skeletal meshes. First I import a collada file (in this case it's "mods/public/art/meshes/skeletalf_tights.dae", which i renamed "humantest.dae" and it works fine). I check "import units" when I import. Then I export. I have tried checking different boxes, but I always get very grotesque deformities including backwards props. mostly the guy has extremely stretched out bones and sometime inverted joints (i can upload pictures). The animations still work. I'm sure this is a simple fix but I've read the tutorials and examined the .dae files and haven't yet noticed the thing that's causing the deformities. What am I missing? I appreciate any advice or resources y'all can offer. thanks Sean EDIT sorry if this belongs in another section. you may move it if thats better.
  3. I started work on an assyrian auxillary infantryman. Now I just need to see how to get it in the game. Here it goes!
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