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  4. That's not going to happen, the amount of time I have to actively write things myself might wax or wane, but I'm going to try to stick around at least for editing purposes. Beside's we've basically opened the whole dimension of long form texts into the game, and like I said before, I don't want to leave the devs with another thing they have to worry about (if they don't want to)
  5. Ah yeah, I thought you wanted to give up on the project See also https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/TranslatingMods
  6. I don't know exactly, but they're volunteering their time and if there's some easy things I can do to make their work easier I'll happily do it.
  7. Sorry for the confusion yesterday, I just found my answer in the code, everything's clear now . @ShadowOfHassen I can take care of making the encyclopedia translatable.
  8. It could also be a compiler difference @phosit is using GCC while @real_tabasco_sauce is using MSVC. Maybe gcc has a harder time optimizing that specific code (would be a first, since it's usually the converse but who knows) The more logical explanation is the cause of the slowdown is not correctly identified, could be the sorting, could be the computation or something else.
  9. No worries. No they are not. They are replaced when the game is running. Each translated string acts as a key that is used to find a translation, if none is found the default string is displayed. How so?
  10. Still sounds like little downside. Benefits just might be narrow.
  11. Well, it is hard to say on performance: On one replay, I got a pretty sizeable improvement, but on a few others, it's been basically the same. @phosit had a significant detriment to performance on one replay. There are probably a few things that can still be done to optimize it.
  12. Last week
  13. Is there any downside here? It seems like a slight performance upgrade and, at worst, even play mechanics. I'm skeptical on how much this will actually help fix the sniping meta. But I see no reason why this shouldn't be implemented.
  14. Thanks, that answers my first question. I'd rather not make translators' jobs harder.
  15. Sorry to bother you, but I'm not sure if I'm understanding it correctly. Are the strings extracted while the code is running?
  16. Once the strings have been extracted in the pot file, unless there are conflicts between two strings, calling the translate method anywhere will replace it by the correct translated version, you can grep for translate in the code base to see usage examples.
  17. Ok. And does the translating always need to be done in the init() function?
  18. You can extract json files as well, like the options.json file.
  19. The 2nd video would create better looking battles and have less auto-focus fire.
  20. And what about texts in files other than XMLs? The articles are stored in JSON files at the moment, and from those templates aren't generated. The credits text are stored in JSONs as well, how are they being marked for translation? Or should we convert the articles' JSONs into XMLs and have them being treated just like the simulation template files?
  21. In sniping testing with @guerringuerrin, 11 40 vs 40 han xbow fights with P = 2 resulted in a mean victory of @real_tabasco_sauce +1.9 soldiers remaining (I was sniping, @guerringuerrin did attack move). In our vanilla control, sniping won all 5 battles, with an average of 12 remaining soldiers. So we have partially succeeded at least in the case of crossbows in making sniping less impactful.
  22. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Localization https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/EnglishStyleGuide Basically every monday and friday we generate the translation templates and we pull new translations from Transifex. You have to tell the scripts which generate the templates to pull the strings from your code depending on where you put it. You can use translateWithContext for that particular purpose https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Implementation_of_Internationalization_and_Localization#JavaScriptTranslationCacheSystem
  23. I still refuse to accept that one can't use the main menu with the kb; not even arrows & enter. :/ No, if you introduce a new string you have to translate it in all 213 languages currently supported! jk. Some posts lead me to believe strings can be marked as "translatable", so I guess that's what should be done; unfortunately I couldn't find any reference about that. Maybe @wraitii or @Stan` know more?
  24. So because we're going to start adding articles to mainline, (as soon as @Vantha gets the amazing new UI) there are a few things I'd like to discuss/ask. First translating. I'm assuming it is just the community translates it? , will the new places we're putting the articles be able to be translated, and second how is translation done, and is there a set of guidelines because I think for anything not American English we can get rid of the US customary measurements, and I'd like the translators to know that. Second. I know for a project like this, we have reviewers for code, art and even music, and I think we should have the same thing for large portions of text in game. Between @Vanthaand I we've put a lot of work into the encyclopedia so far, and I'd like to try and get the same quality of writing in the rest of the game. It would be great if whenever there's a patch with anything bigger than a tooltip, the devs could let me know, so I can give it a look and wait until we can get the text right before merging. Editing and in game text might not sound that important compared to art, code, or gameplay, but I'd still like to get it the best we can. Besides, with rumblings of new tutorials, campaigns, and the like; someone to coordinate the narrative/writing side of things will help the devs time to be focused on things they are more interested in.
  25. Spies? Lighten up! If Garietrix is blaming you, it means you're doing something right and he just can't stand it. )
  26. So basically people have just been name-dropping vali and others to piggyback off of their credibility because they know they don't have any of their own. Interesting.
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