Main Page

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E-mail account required for edition
In order to edit articles in this Wiki, you need to have a registered E-Mail address (check Preferences->User profile->E-mail options). If you already have an user account pending approval, contact us at the OldUnreal forum or its Discord channel.
Release Notes

Welcome to the OldUnreal-Wiki pages. This wiki contains information, guides and tutorials about Unreal, Unreal Tournament and other Unreal-Engine based games. It serves as a general guide for newcomers and/or people unfamiliar with the classic Unreal engine, and as a newsboard for the development of Oldunreal's patches v227 for Unreal and v469 for Unreal Tournament. As new features are implemented into the Unreal engine, user-made guides for those new features will be posted here accordingly throughout the Wiki by the members of the OldUnreal community. We will try our very best to keep things neat and orderly to prevent confusion for those new and unfamiliar with the classic Unreal engine. Please report any broken or misguided links to <>, or simply address those issues at the OldUnreal forums.

In order to help in the completion of the wiki, see if you can create one of the needed articles or translations or contribute to one of the pages in need of help. Your first stop, however, should be the Community Portal.

Help and Guides

Unreal v227 Patch

  • Unreal v227 Manual: Here's all you need to know for the new features introduced in OldUnreal's v227* patches for Unreal, including new mod authoring and edition tools (including UnrealEd 2.x), new serveradmin tools and new game features.

Unreal Tournament v469 Patch

  • Unreal v469 Manual: Here's all you need to know for the new features introduced in OldUnreal's v469* patches for Unreal Tournament, including new mod authoring and edition tools, new serveradmin tools and new game features.

Unreal Guides

  • Unreal Guides: How to play, what are the weapons, where are the good items, etc...
  • Walkthrough: Walkthrough for Unreal and Return to Na Pali.

Unreal Tournament Guides


  • Mapping: Index of tutorials on how to create levels with UnrealEd and how to use the new tools provided.
  • Font Tutorial: How to create custom and localized font packages.
  • Scripting / Modding: Help on Scripting and modding.
  • Other Tutorials: Several other tutorials, and downloadable resources.

Unreal Server Guides

Any question you might still have will find its answer on the forums.

Localization and Translation

The localization project aims at updating the existing localizations of Unreal and Unreal Tournament, and adding new languages as possible. Because most updates include modified strings and new functions, new versions cannot be released without someone translating at least the completed languages. Help is always needed and no special knowledge or resources are needed beyond that of English and the language you went to translate the game into, as well as a Github account. If you don't like Github, we can also take suggestions in both the forum and our Discord guild (subguild #localization). The English files are always up to date and new translations must start from them.

This project also supports some mods and campaigns. We're open to add more of them, but don't expect them to be high on the priority list.

The localization project's main repo is found here.

Useful Stuff

  • INI templates: These templates and examples of .ini files are configuration files from different users and their system specifications. They can be used to compare settings and improve your own configuration. Remember that not all possible settings are available in the game or written in the .ini files. These examples might show you some new lines which can be added to improve the look or performances of the game. If you have yourself a good, working .ini, feel free to add it.
  • Unreal User Maps: a collection of user-made maps for Unreal.
  • Epic Articles: A collection of articles by Epic, retrieved from the Internet Archive, used as reference.

Mod guide for Unreal

Be aware that some of the content below may be from other authors. Since many are not available anymore it was impossible to ask for their specific permission. If you are one of them and if you don't like to have the content here, mail me. But since the idea of this page and Oldunreal is to preserve information and content which is otherwise lost, I hope there will be no objections.

External Programs and Tools

  • UQuery: Allows querying of Unreal servers to receive informations.
  • UmodPack: Umod pack manager.
  • Unreal Media Ripper: Deprecated but working tool to extract assets from Unreal files.
  • UTPT: Another tool to access the content of Unreal Packages.


Active Clans Directory

Wiki Statistics

  • Edits: 24,832
  • Pages: 4,150
  • Articles: 2,747
  • Files: 1,316
  • Users: 277
  • Admins: 15