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of Harry S. Truman

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This Presidential Appointments Calendar is based upon the records contained in the
Matthew J. Connelly Files

Monday, September 17, 1945
    [Public Papers: Statement by the President on the European Relief and Rehabilitation Program]
8:30 am (Mrs. Enit Kaufman - artist)
10:00 am Sen. Kenneth McKellar
The Speaker [Sam Rayburn]
Senator Alben W. Barkley
Cong. John W. McCormack
11:00 am Sen. Alben W. Barkley
Sen. Walter F. George
11:15 am Mr. James G. Patton, Pres., Nat'l Farmers Union
Mr. Glen Talbott, Pres., Farmers Union for N. Dak.
11:30 am Sen. Edwin C. Johnson, Colo.
Sen. Elmer Thomas, Okla.
Sen. E. H. Moore, Okla.
Sen. Arthur Capper, Kansas
Sen. Clyde M. Reed, Kansas
Sen. Kenneth S. Wherry, Nebr.
Sen. Eugene D. Millikin, Colo.
Sen. Elbert D. Thomas, Utah
Sen. Abe Murdock, Utah
Sen. Edward V. Robertson, Wyo.
Sen. Pat McCarran, Nev.
Sen. Hugh Butler, Nebr.
Sen. Dennis Chavez, N. Mex.
(To endorse Judge Orie Phillips for appointment to
Supreme Court.)
11:45 am Hon. and Mrs. Daniel O. Hastings
(Former Republican Senator from Delaware - originally
appointed by the Governor in 1929, and served suc-
cessively until 1937)
12:00 pm Mr. Stanley Connor
(Personal friend)
12:15 pm The Secretary of Agriculture [Clinton P. Anderson]
12:30 pm Sen. Theodore G. Bilbo, Miss.
12:45 pm Mrs. Dwight W. Morrow, President, Food for Freedom, Inc.
with representatives from organizations which ac-
cepted invitation to Emergency Conference on World
Food Crisis, as follows: Earl C. Bassett, Brotherhood
of Railroad Trainmen; Mrs. Marion H. Britt, Nat'l
Fed. of Business and Professional Women's Clubs; Mrs.
J. B. Calkins, YWCA; Dr. Joseph M. Chamberlain, American
Council of Voluntary Agencies; Mr. Marcus Cohn, American
Jewish Committee; Rev. Frederick M. Eliot,
American Unitarian Assoc.; Mr. Willard Givens,
Nat'l Education Assoc.; Mrs. J. Borden Harriman,
Americans United for World Organization; Mrs.
William A. Hastings, Nat'l Congress of Parents
and Teachers; Edward J. Heffron, Nat'l Council
of Catholic Men; Mrs. Dora S. Lewis, American
Home Economics Association; Dr. W. O. Lewis,
Baptist World Alliance; Dr. Kathryn McHale, Amer-
ican Assoc. of University Women; Donald Mont-
gomery, CIO; Mrs. Lillian Mowrer, Women's Action
Committee for Victory and Lasting Peace; Dr.
William A. Neilson, American Assoc. for the United
Nations; Mr. James G. Patton, Nat'l Farmers Union;
Philip O. Proctor, American Veterans Committee;
Miss Catherine Schaefer, Nat'l Council of Catholic
Women; Boris Shishkin, A.F. of L.; Paul Sifton,
Union for Democratic Action; Anna Lord Strauss,
Nat'l League of Women Voters; Colston Warne,
Consumers Union; Mrs. Theodore O. Wedel, United
Council of Church Women; Harold Weston, Food for
Freedom; Walter White, NAACP; Mrs. Florence R.
Wyckoff, National Consumers League.
1:00 pm (Lunch) The Secretary of Labor [Lewis B. Schwellenbach]
2:55 pm Mr. Spyros Skouras
3:00 pm The Attorney General [Tom C. Clark]

Truman Photographs for September 17, 1945
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Featured Photograph

Photo of Army Unit Plaque Award

The creation of this online resource was made possible in part by funding from the William T. Kemper Foundation - Commerce Bank, Trustee.