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    PlanetQuake | Articles | Interviews | Interviews: World of Padman

Interviews: World of Padman
It's weird, it's wonderful... it's World of PADman!
— by Mogul


One of PlanetQuake's new roaming Content Contributors, Mogul, has struck pay-dirt again and this time it's in an interview with Simon 'Harmonieman' Furkert of the World of PADman team. Harmonieman is Webmaster and map artist for the project and this is one Quake III modification that really shakes it up. And so, onto the Q&A; portion of the program. Have at it!



Mogul: Hello, and welcome to the interview! Care to give an introduction about your mod?

Harmonieman: Sure. The "World of Padman" is the biggest fun mod in the Q3A-Community, maybe in the whole world. Even if it looks sort of cartoonish, it is meant to be played by everyone who wants to have fun. We have new game types, models and maps so it's really worth the download. It's fun for the whole family. A none violent game for a change.

Mogul: What was it that inspired the creation of the mod? It is obviously a far cry from anything else that�s out there for Quake III, or really any game for that matter.

Harmonieman: The World of Padman is based on the characters created by our mod leader ENTE. He is a professional comic artist and drew the padman-strips for different game magazines in the past. After mapping for Q3A, his dream was to create a whole universe around his characters in a mod. So the basic ideas came from the master himself.

Mogul: OK, everyone�s been seeing the news updates on PlanetQuake regarding your mod, and at first glance, I�d say most people are struck by its unique visual style. What were some of the influences that pushed the mod in the visual direction that it has established?

Harmonieman: The basic idea for the design was, that it should look mainly comical. You all know the good old Padmaps and as the mod was ENTE 's idea, it was obviously that the style would be like in his Padmaps. So we have a mixture of different styles: the maps are more realistic, the rest comical. The "World of Padman" was always supposed to be a mod full of fun and happiness. But even if all the other members are only slaves of the master ENTE, all artists are free to put their own style in their work (always under control of ENTE ;) ). By this way we have different looking maps, but always on a high level of detail. Having a unique look is more or less the result of ENTE�s creativity and talent. He drew all the concepts to the weapon- and player models and made most of the skins.

Mogul: This team obviously has a desire to make something special with this mod. It�s still in early beta stages, but when one downloads and installs it, upon launching the mod, they find that this doesn�t look like a beta at all! There are fun movement physics, nice visuals, several maps, game modes, and even bot support! That�s something you don�t get in most mods from the beginning. What direction is the team heading? Is there a desire to become professionals in the future?

Harmonieman: Yeah, for most people out there the Mod looks like it is more then just a beta, and even for the team it is more. But as the mod is not completed yet, meaning we have more features in mind to be added, we are going to call it beta. We always wanted to create a mod that is different from the other ones. We wanted to have a mod in which all things fit together and work fine. Our main goal is to get this thing done sometime, even if it takes another 3 years. Working together and seeing that this baby is getting bigger and better is really nice. One big dream is to get this mod into a real game, but at the moment we are not professionals and are just working in our free time on the mod. There is a chance to get a publisher or a development team interested in a comic-looking type game. Some of the members would be proud to get an offer for a job and would accept it.

Next: More World of Padman!

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