Privacy Policy


We-The-Revolution Communications plc (weor us) is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy.

This Website Privacy Notice, along with our website terms of use at and any other documents referred to in it (the Website Privacy Notice) sets out the basis on which any personal data that we collect from you via any We-The-Revolution website, or that you provide to us via any We-The-Revolution website, will be processed by us. Please read the following carefully to understand our views and practices regarding your personal data and how we treat it. By visiting or any other We-The-Revolution website (together referred to as the “Website”) you are accepting and consenting to the practices described in this Website Privacy Notice.

If you are a customer (or prospective customer), shareholder, a member of staff of one of We-The-Revolution’s suppliers, or other person who wishes to know more about how we use personal data other than information collected through the website.


It is the responsibility of the Data Protection Lead to keep our organisation and our staff informed and advised about their obligations to comply with data protection laws, to monitor compliance with those laws, to advise on data protection impact assessments, to train staff and conduct internal audits, and to be the first point of contact for supervisory authorities and for individuals whose personal data we are processing.

You can contact the Data Protection Lead if you have any questions or concerns about personal data and privacy matters, or about this Website Privacy Notice. Please include the words DATA PRIVACY REQUEST in the subject line of your email, or at the top of your letter.

DEFINITIONS In this Privacy Notice:

Technical Information means the following types of information that we will collect automatically each time you visit the Website: (a) technical information, which may include the Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet, your login information, browser type and version, time zone setting, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform; and (b) information about your visit, including the full Uniform Resource Locators (URL), clickstream to, through and from the Website (including date and time), products you viewed or searched for, page response times, download errors, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information (such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs), methods used to browse away from the page, and any phone number used to call our customer service number.


We may collect and process the following data about you through the Website: Submitted Information, Technical Information, and Third Party Information. Such information will be held for as long as we are required to do so in order to comply with our statutory and contractual obligations, and in accordance with our legitimate interests as a data controller.


The Website uses cookies to distinguish you from other users. This helps us to provide you with a good experience when you browse the Website, and also allows us to improve the Website. For detailed information on the cookies We use and the purposes for which We use them, see our Cookie Policy.


We will process the personal data that we obtain through the Website only on one or more of the following bases:

  • a. that you have given your consent to the processing of your personal data for the purposes of receiving communications (including marketing communications) from We-The-Revolution; and/or
  • b. that the processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by We-The-Revolution, including the conduct of direct marketing activities and the sale of products and services to your organisation through the Website.