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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna
“art by @BottlngSunshine
Is it about butchering black girls’ hair to keep white people comfortable? Is it about a woman visiting the same violence on her daughter as...

art by @BottlngSunshine


Is it about butchering black girls’ hair to keep white people comfortable? Is it about a woman visiting the same violence on her daughter as was done to her by her mother a generation prior? Is this girl just too… “different” to go into the world unaltered? Does she need to be toned down so she can succeed? Does she need to be defenseless before she is deemed safe by powerful people who would do her harm if given half a reason? Is one of those people holding those scissors?


[I.D. digital art of a young girl medusa sitting in a chair in a kitchen, crying as a woman cuts the heads off of medusa’s snakes. the woman’s head is out of frame, but her blonde hair is visible as she pulls three snakes taught, beginning to chop them with scissors as blood spurts. four snakes have been cut already, their remains lying dead on the floor as the rest of the snakes, all sporting pink bows around their necks, cower in fear. the majority of the illustration has been colored in black and deep saturated yellows and oranges, while medusa’s skin and hair are green. her pinafore has the same color palette as the background. her knees are also scuffed, bruised with orange and one of them bandaged. her cut strands of snake hair are not bandaged and continue to bleed. end I.D.]


There’s a sequel!


Becoming Me.” by BottlingSunshine

Image ID: A digital illustration of a young Medusa woman braiding her green snakes in front of a mirror and while her eyes are covered with a sleep mask. The mirror is centered in the drawing and surrounded by the orange-pink background. She is wearing a white sleep mask with “closed eyes” on it and a black top with white lacey ruffles at the collar and cuffs. Two snake heads are seen in the mirror while the rest are out of view. The front of the vanity holding the mirror is littered with various dolls and stuffed animals with their eyes crossed out, candy, an image of eyes in a round frame that are also crossed out, nail polish in pink and black, ribbons, and a friendship bracelet plus polaroids. The wall above the vanity is pink and near-white striped and covered in small polaroids or photos taped on the wall and various portraits in yellow frames. The yellow frames show the woman as a young girl holding her arms anxiously with her head cut off from view, covering her face, or simply have dark static backgrounds. There is a sharpie on the lower shelf of the vanity. End iD


From the artist, re: the second image.

With all the times you’ve been put down it may be hard to look at yourself, but I hope one day you can. You’re amazing.
Happy to do a little follow up to my most recent illustration. I got a lot of comments hoping that she was gonna be okay and she will be. Healing takes time.

Anonymous asked:

There is a serious problem in this fandom of people going into spaces they don't belong in and starting shit.

We've all seen That One Astarion Fan who has to make every companion post an Astarion Post. Too many people hop into Halsin tags to shit on Halsin and make actual Halsin fans feel like shit. And today, I had to see a Durge player go on for four pages in a Tavtash shipping thread about how they dislike the ship (but it's not the Tavtash shippers fault) and like?

Stop fucking harshing the vibes??

Fandom is our time to enjoy things???

I, as a trans disabled person in the USA, could really Really REALLY use a place where I can fucking have time away from the constant social pressure and existential dread every fucking day. I need time where I can relax, and enjoy things, and decompress and heal and rest. All humans need this. All humans deserve this.

I need all you Fandom newbies, and Fandom oldbies as well, from Discord RP servers to IRC chatrooms to USENET to hand printed 'zines, to hold and abide by the Prime Directive of Fandom:

Don't like? Don't read.

It's that simple. Don't go places you don't enjoy and bitch about things. This is not a positive ask, it is a negative one - I am asking you to *not* take action. To not press your fingers against the buttons on your keyboard or screen. To stop, pull back, look at the world outside the screen, and go "does this make community, or am I trying to control another?" and then just. Just stop. Just don't.

Stop repeating the cycle.

bg3fandomcritical answered:



Anonymous asked:

The beef between durges and tavs is bewildering to me. Who the hell cares? Play whichever you'd like and ignore people who claim superiority in either direction.

bg3fandomcritical answered:



Anon they would… if durge stans (not fans, stans are different) didn’t invade every space tav fans use to talk about tav to shit talk tav and tell people “it doesn’t make sense” when people ship tav with gortash or astarion or whoeever the fuck else. Durge stans are the fucking worst.


Anonymous asked:

People think Wyll got mistreated because of the attention Astarion got during development but it’s actually because of Gale.

They had similar storylines in EA and Larian decided to reshuffle Wyll instead of Gale. This is just my opinion but they should have cut the Mystra-Gale stuff and kept the Wyll-Mizora relationship. The romance with Mystra adds nothing to Gale’s character a teacher-student relationship couldn’t have accomplished.

bg3fandomcritical answered:
