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Fire TV self-service advertising

Fire TV self-service advertising on Amazon Ads Console lets you create and manage ad campaigns on Fire TV to acquire and engage viewers. Create campaigns with preexisting creatives, self-optimize campaigns, and review performance in online reporting tools.

Note: This feature is currently available for content providers in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Netherlands, Mexico, Brazil, Canada, and Australia.

Ad placement

Fire TV self-service advertising lets you promote titles in the Sponsored row of the Fire TV UI. Ads are served in an auction format, with eligible ads competing against each other using pre-specified bids. Each slot in the Sponsored row is auctioned individually. Bids are set as part of the campaign creation process, but bids can be changed any time from the All campaigns page inside the Amazon Advertising Console. Bid adjustments are reflected within minutes of changes.

Example ad placement

Available ad placements

Our ad product is available for Sponsored Tiles and Sponsored Screensaver placements in all marketplaces (except in Sweden where we only offer Sponsored Tiles). Our Sponsored Tiles ad placement is unique because it offers custom creatives, allowing customers to upload their own tile and/or background image or choose the default images available in the prime video catalog.

Get started

Register for a Fire TV Self-Service Advertising account.

  1. Go to Sponsored Display on Fire TV.
  2. ClickGet Started.
  3. Enter your contact information and someone will contact you to create your account within 48 business hours.

Go to the Create campaign page.

  1. First time advertisers must to set up a payment method. Click the link Go to Billing and payments at the top of the page to set up your preferred payment method.
  2. Add your Campaign name, Start and End dates (or choose no end date to run your ad campaign continuously), and Daily budget.
  3. In the Products section, search for your title and select it to add it to the campaign.
  4. The Preview section shows what your ad will look like on Fire TV. Your creative is automatically selected based on the tile image of your title.
  5. In the Bidding section, enter the maximum you’re willing to pay when a viewer clicks your ad (cost-per-click).
  6. In the Targeting section, select from the provided targeting categories to reach specific audience segments.
  7. When you’re finished, select Submit for review. Our moderation team will review your campaign within 48 business hours.

View and edit campaigns

From the All campaigns page, you can view current and past campaigns. You can adjust active campaigns and view performance reports. Click into an active campaign to edit campaign-specific settings.

When editing an active campaign, you can adjust the campaign name and details, refine audience targeting, adjusts budgets, and change campaign end dates.

Campaign metrics

View and export custom performance reports directly from the Advertising console All campaigns page. Select the Columns drop down list to edit columns displayed on the report, and click Export to download reports.

Customized reports with the following metrics:

Report fields Description

Campaign name.


Status of campaign, whether it's running or not.


Type of campaign. For Fire TV self-service advertising, use Sponsored Display.

Start date

Day campaign stars.

End date

Day campaign ends.


Specified campaign budget.


Amount of click charges for campaign.


Count of times ads were displayed.


Count of times ads were clicked.


Amount paid per click.

Detail page views

Count of times detail page viewed.

Video streams

Count of times video streamed.

Cost per video stream

Amount paid per stream.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Are there any fees for running ad campaigns with Fire TV Self-Service on Amazon Ads Console?

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