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Change location availability, pricing model, or availability dates

Make your titles available to rent or buy through Prime Video in the U.S. and other locations—on all supported devices—Fire TV, phones, tablets, game consoles, smart TVs, and on the web.

Note: A title’s metadata language determines the locations to which it can be published. For supported languages by location, see Location Requirements.

Change a standalone title

  1. In Your Videos, on the Standalone tab, click the title.
  2. On the Availability tab, select in which territories and how you want make this title available to Amazon customers.

    Note: If you uncheck a previously published territory, the title becomes unavailable except for prior purchases. The title detail page remains live. The process to make a title unavailable might take up to four hours after updates are published.


    If you select Rent or Buy, you're asked to choose between Preset pricing and Custom pricing (advanced). Preset pricing includes Value, best for older and back catalog videos, and Base, best for balancing cost with wide audience appeal.

    Note: Amazon reserves the right to change prices.

  3. You can choose individual availability windows for each territory where you are making your title available. Click the three dots to specify availability windows.

    As soon as possible (ASAP)
    Advanced options
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click Submit for review.

Change a season

  1. In Your Videos, on the Episodic tab, click the title.
  2. On the Availability tab, select in which territories and how you want make this title available to Amazon customers.

    Note: If you uncheck a previously published territory, the title becomes unavailable except for prior purchases. The title detail page remains live. The process to make a title unavailable might take up to four hours after updates are published.

  3. Buy Episodes
    Buy Season

    If you select Buy Episodes or Buy Season, you're asked to choose between Preset pricing and Custom pricing (advanced). Preset pricing includes Value, best for older and back catalog videos, and Base, best for balancing cost with wide audience appeal. Amazon reserves the right to change prices.

    For episodic titles, the season price is calculated on the number of episodes when a season is published.

    Note: For information about royalties, see Royalty Information.
  4. You can choose individual availability windows for each territory where you are making your title available. Click the three dots to specify availability windows.

    As soon as possible (ASAP)
    Advanced options
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click Submit for review.

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