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Getting started FAQs

Note: For frequently asked questions about required tax information and completing the tax interview, please see Tax Information FAQs.
Can I use my existing Amazon account?
Are there any fees to use Prime Video Direct?
If I publish my videos on Prime Video can I also publish my videos to another service?
What can I publish?
Where can I submit content for licensing consideration?
What happens if I don’t enter my bank information?
Where can I get my bank information like routing numbers?
What happens if I don’t enter my tax information?
Can I share my Prime Video Direct account credentials with other people?
Why should I add a second person as an administrator on my account?
Does granting someone administrator rights on my Prime Video Direct account also allow them access to my personal Amazon account information on Amazon website and services?
How do I see if someone has accepted an invite to be an additional user on my Prime Video Direct account?
How can I create my account using Japanese characters?
What if my country or region isn't included in the list of banking countries or regions?

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